Home Community News Deaconess and Deaconess Riley Children’s Services are excited to announce the new...

Deaconess and Deaconess Riley Children’s Services are excited to announce the new Live Well Gallery at the Children’s Museum of Evansville is now open.


Deaconess1Stop by and check out our Well Clinic.Within the Live Well Gallery at cMoe is the Well Clinic. Inside the clinic, kids are the healthcare providers and have a blast learning about the human body and how to keep it healthy and strong.
Kids can pretend to be doctors, look at x-rays, and conduct a check-up on their (babydoll) patients. They can also watch a series of videos by Deaconess employees that helps kids understand the kinds of people they will encounter during a visit to the docotr’s office.

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We are thrilled to share this gallery with the community and hope children (and adults) will gain a better understanding of what happens in the doctor’s office and why it’s so important to have regular well check-ups.