The Davis for Mayor Campaign released its campaign finance report today showing that it has raised a total of $174,493 during this reporting period bring the full year total to $250,499.
The top 10 contributors to the campaign are as follows:
Evansville Professional Firefighters: $25,494.50
Danks and Danks: $15,000.00
Scott Danks: $10,000.00
Danny Spindler: $7,850.00
Shawn Oglesby: $6,809.10
IBEW Local 702: #6,000.00
Rodney Miller: $5,000.00
Dr. H. Dan Adams: $4,950.00
Bill Denton: $4,610.51
Rick Davis: $4,581.41
Link to Entire Report:
Rick Davis shows he received $500 from Vectren’s Political Action Committee. I didn’t see any contribution from Vectren’s PAC to Lloyd Winnecke.
Page #3 in the PAC Comittee section of Winnecke’s release shows he received $500 from the Vectren Employees Federal PAC on 08-31-11. Their address is listed as PO Box 209 Evansville Indiana. Maybe that information will help you SEE it. Nice try though.
You are correct. Thank you. I overlooked that page somehow.
Maybe you should slow your roll a little and consentrate on supporting your choice for mayor instead of continually bashing mine. I do not remember anything of substance you have ever posted about Winnecke.
I am waiting to hear the official number of Vectren personnel who made individual donations and what position they hold within the company. The number of bank related donations is interesting as well. I am sure there are folks on both sides doing that as we speak and we should expect to hear more in the coming days.
You mean like Brad Ellsworth’s (Vectren) donation to Rick?
Nice try, Alex, Justin, or whatever you’re calling yourself today. Did you go by another name when giving to Winnecke? Nevermind, we know the answer.
You should ask Alex what name he was going by when he donated to McCain in 08….
It’s also interesting that Veracity has seen the Davis report, but nobody else on here can get the link yet. Veracity, where might you be that your are privy to that info and the rest of are not?
There is a link to the Davis report on the Courier and Press online edition. You guys really should branch out a bit and read something other than just the City County Observer.
It all my browser will get….;)
Was just told it is on the courier site
Our link is working now. Thanks for pointing that out,
Can’t seem to find link to full report.
I don’t believe it’s been added yet…..yhoo whoo CCO.
Thank you.
There you go.
Now we know what certain political appointments cost!
It’s also very telling that not all of the democrat candidates contributed nor did Mark Owens.
I guess you and Veracity must be sitting in the same room since “BOTH” of you are looking at something the rest of us cannot see yet.
Did I also see the COO as a contributor?
CORRECTION! What I saw regarding to COO was the Davis campaign purchasing advertising!
I’ve been batting 1000 today
Yes, both campaigns purchased the full top banner election package from the CCO for $2,100. The Winnecke campaign kept his ad running after the primary which added an extra month for him at $350. You will not find the CCO as a donor to any campaign. Look what happened to Kieth Olbermann for such indulgences.
On page 111 of Rick’s PDF, it says that Danks & Danks loaned $15,000.
I’m guessing that this will need to be paid back or does anyone know the difference?
It just stuck out to me.
Absent from this list of donors are these democrats:
Mark Owen
Connie Robinson
Conor O’Daniel
Rob Faulkner
John Friend
Stephen Melcher
Annie Groves
Z Tuley
Bill Jeffers
you didn’t really expect them there did you, Rick is not the machine candidate
Is Rick Davis the official Democratic Candidate for the office of Mayor of Evansville?
What is going on here?
If the voters chose the primary candidate under state election laws, can a handful of party officers thwart the will of the voters?!
Democratic Chairman Owen and the Mayor’s campaign donations (from his $700,000 war chest) probably came in after the Davis report was filed. Where do all these wild conspiracy theories come from suggesting the Democratic Central Committee and Democratic Chairman would not support their own candidate for Mayor.
Sorry Joe it ain’t so
…Because they don’t…Look, Weinzapfel, in real life, didn’t even like Tornatta, but support the mayor gave to Tornatta was palpable. Thus, it shouldn’t be all that surprising they would ignore the real candidate.
I thought I saw Melcher down for $175.00
The usual bashers are having trouble finding the things they don’t want to see.
Do a search within the .pdf for Melcher’s name. You will not find it.
Let me help you out, old man. Schedule A-1, Page 71 of 98, Contributions by Individuals: Stephen Melcher, $140.00 for this reporting period.
Did a search for[melcher] using Adobe Acrobat,s search program. I do not know how it missed it, but it did.
Thanks for the correction.
Went back and checked both pdf files. Winnecke’s is searchable by Adobe Acrobat and Davis’ is not for some reason.
Who has the time to go over Davis’ file page by page and name by name?
Was this done by the Evansville Courier&Press to make Davis’ harder to search?
Rick’s report is the most transparent I have seen. Did you notice that each contributor is listed in alphabetical order? To find Melcher, just scroll down until you get to the “M’s”. If the individual have made more than one donation each is listed in date order with a running total in the far right column.
The same is true of each of the other categories that need to be reported, such as expenditures and loans.
Great attention to detail and openness to the public.
You left Missy Mosby off that list.
oh wait she can’t give to Davis she’s all tapped out!
I belive you are incorrect, Steve Melcher is on there i belive, forgive me if i am wrong.
If the Democratic Chairman is either not supporting or opposing their primary winning Democratic Candidate for Mayor, shouldn’t that Chairman and his lackeys be removed for dereliction of duty?
That is absolutely true. How more obvious can it be that Winnecke is a Wienzapfel man. Everyone should have voted for Tornatta if they wanted more King Johnnie. The choice is simple a government for the people and by the people with a Rick Davis administration, or Weinzapfel lite (Winnecke) same taste with a few less calories
We can dream, can’t we?
What they have done behind the scenes to kill Davis’ campaign during the past year would make your head spin.
For mayor do we want someone who people rally around and are willing to freely give up their time to help or someone who has to pay them to help him.
Davis has all volunteers and Winnecke has payroll.
YES! Rick’s donations have come from regular people who are ready to dismantle the machine. Enough is enough.
Winnecke’s $$$$ came from the banks.
It’s easy to see what Evansville is saying – Rick Davis will be our next mayor. It’s about time.
All you cry babies who are wimpering about your boy not getting Democrat support should find it comforting to know the Indiana Democrat Party just sent $40,000 down here for Rick Davis along with a slick, big city produced, extremely negative TV ad that will run 4 days next week.
LOL…the state democratic party power brokers had the good sense to do what the local party chairman would not do…I don’t think I’d want to be Owen, they will burn him before it’s all over, you don’t mess with the boys from Indy..
They should get rid of Owen. Should have happened years ago.
He’s a big part of the problem. He must go!
I agree 100% and heard today Rick Davis wants Jack McNealy for party chairman when he wins mayor. I cant wait.
Pick Rick!
Go Unions!
Jack McNeely?
Well, he’s going to need a change of heart in a hurry. He’s still taking his orders from Weinzapfel. I wouldn’t exactly call him a supporter of Davis. But, at this point, ANYONE would be better for the party than Owen.
Cards all you got to do to see McNeely’s change of heart is look at Davis campaign report. Jack signed two big checks himself and you know he is past president of sheet metal workers who gave bigger donation. Lots of our unions also kicked in real big time. Check it out. Besides state democrat committee needs us next year for GOTV for state and national candidates so its make nice time between old friends in union and state party. Happy times are here again! Rick will go along because we will push him into mayors office now that he supports Jack McNeely for county chairman.
Pick Rick!
Go Unions!
Great points, unionmaid.
Thanks. I feel a little better.
You’re right – they need us for next year’s elections.
I hope I’m going to see lots of your buddies on November 8th, working for TEAM Davis? We all know the Central Committee will not be sending folks out that day to offer any support whatsoever. Well, they may send them out in BLUE shirts, I guess, as they have so far.
See you at the polls!
HAPPY DAYS will soon be here, because this community is waking up!
and you got this information from where?
He got that information from Democrat Headquarters where he works. A Democrat in Republican clothing. There are several of them in Evansville including Democrat Ward Leaders, sitting office holders and candidates running for office who are Republicans running with a D next to their name to better their chances of winning.
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