Daily Topic Forum May 9, 2015



  1. On March 10, 2014, a mere 14 months ago, Mr. Winneck and a guy from Branson, MO, namely Rick Huffman arrived on a charter jet costing the Taxpayers $7,500 for a “DAY IN THE SAND” at the corner of Walnut and MLK. . .The Groundbreaking Event for the hotel. . . Pomp and Ceremony galore. . .

    Now, after repeated announcements after announcements, we learn that the HVAC will be located in every room. . . you know, those disturbing wall units were the compressors kick on and off. . .don’t ever recall staying at convention hotel will compressor noise. . .

    Now, we hear that the UV glass that was in the original rendition is OUT and the cheapest windows are IN. . .WOW. . .

    Now, we hear that the indoor pool. . you know. . .what you would expect at a convention hotel. . .is now the OUTDOOR POOL. . .

    Maybe you can accept this devaluation at least in the appearance and final product but stop the presses. . .instead the of price to you, the TAXPAYER going DOWN the price tag has gone up. . .the original $20 million included the county’s money, a mere 3.5 million. . .now our Mayor has memory loss and says that was not the case. . .stop the press. . the minutes of the September 16th, 2013 CC meeting says differently. . .and NOW the agreement between the “man with no business plan” and Winnecke increases the direct subsidy from 7.5 million to 9.6 million. . .down Walnut and along 6th street that cost is not included and the only thing that Santa Lloyd says, “funding will be from other sources”

    Of course, this Mayor told us that it costs more to build in Evansville. . .obviously, with POOR PLANNING AND POOR EXECUTION those things seems of occur. . .

    Then, we have the MAC-DADDY of em all. . .forked out 57 MILLION. . .gave D-Pat the 8.4 million gift. . two photo opt trips to Indy in the hopes and dreams to increase the funding for the Med from 36 million to 45 million. . .his own super majority party at the rains. . .comes back empty-handed. . .and in the final analysis. . .cut by 11 million. . .and he says, “Ivy Tech has issues at the State Level”. . .our premise should be “we have problems at the local level”. . .would incompetent be appropriate? or maybe in-affective. . .or possibly disingenuous. . .or all three. . ?

    And, now we here that Santa is claiming credit for land-based casinos. . .sources indicate Santa was MIA not only on the Casino issue but the Med as well. . .Did I mention disingenuous?

    Does it or does it not appear that all goods things comes from Santa Lloyd and those nasty unfortunate events come from the Grinch?

    • Exactly, Thank you. Yes Winnecke was handed a mess, a financial Rubik’s cube nearly impossible to get everything aligned.

      However, he actually made things worse. Plus he paraded around town telling everyone the money was there to begin the project, knowing full well it wasn’t. That alone should be enough to vote him out.

  2. The primary is over. What were campaign signs are now trash. Get out there and take them away.

  3. No developer will spend millions to earn thousands. That’s why we still have an empty lot. For a time, a backhoe sat on the lot. Even that has now been removed.

    • Correct term for that piece of equipment setting down there that time is a “track hoe (or a excavator) It had two continuous tracks to move around on. Backhoe has four rubber tires, with the backs larger then the fronts.

        • It was a track hoe, from what the overhead showed. We determined that fact and we hoped it wasn’t purchased through Mr.Elpers and friends, like those excavators the they stacked up in Union county Ky. Whew, that’s a mess.
          The VCSD really did a good job sorting that mess out. Thanks is deserved to those deputies involved ! Track hoe’s, VS scam hoes. Good that came down as it did.

  4. It is maddening to hear about how the hotel is being devolved into a freeway off ramp special. Window units and an outdoor pool are certainly not what the city council voted for. Neither is a $23.5 Million subsidy. This deal has changed so much for the worse that it just needs to be rescinded. It is time to start over. A freeway hotel won’t transform a freeway, much less a downtown. If the poster above is correct about what is being designed, it will make the downtown worse.

    • I’m thinking the motel that was shuttered out by Lynch and HWY 41 even had a dang indoor pool. Most of the others in the area do as well. What if Mr. Dunn builds a new centuries balanced and condensed convention complex out along the I-69 corridor where the real action is? The “double foot print, tree high motel Hilton, labor short sheet” will never pull a profit. Ever.

  5. The near $2 Billion Gorilla in the room?— How do you grow a City, and make it attractive to potential Newcomers, when they can see themselves, if they become taxpayers,– left holding the bag,– due to the insane spending/bonding debt pushed by the City’s Leadership?

    • The kind of people the city needs to attract home in on that like a laser and either stay away or settle in other counties.

  6. Its time that the polictians to straighten up. I wanted them to work together. I want a downtown convention Hotel. I want the IU med school downtown. We have a replubican mayor and a democrat city council. Here is the deal WORK TOGETHER. We are a GREAT city and we need to put pressure on our leaders to do better. We need those two major projects done.

    The only major business near us is Toyota we need more companies and schools to grow. Along time ago Bob Green built the executive inn and that brought convention business to town and we were thriving.

  7. We were thriving long before Bob Green shown up! We had many industries employing many area residents!
    We were about manufacturing, and fun stuff was for Sunday’s! Now it seems play things is what this area is about!

    Bob Green’s building of a hotel and parking garage was done on the cheap. The hotel was left standing to be
    renovated. Farter investigation exposed the ill built flaws which became this hotel became useless.

    The parking garage fell under the same fate. During construction of the arena the parking garage was barricaded off from above first floor. Reports of flaking concrete and ill fitting precast cause the demise of this structure as well!

    • ” Farter investigation” that statement really befits the downtown Evansville cronies clowns. I know its a typo, however its about all the investigative logistics ever allow in the old drawn infrastructure.
      Smiles on the comment and a short duration laugh on the typo. It fits the situation to the ‘T’. 😉

    • The death knell for the Executive Inn was the epiphany that the Haiti earthquake inspired in John Kish. What a comedy of moronic errors this whole hotel drama has been. To think that a city with 120,000 people and a budget of over $300million could have attracting a darn hotel for 7 years and get nothing is almost beyond belief.

      • Believe that, they had no real local tectonic event. The gradual shift in the new Madrid wasn’t a zippoleala, of a nothing. Although with todays science those rivers sands are pretty risky and by no means should be written off .

        They need someone who can lead from a single step. The days work needs to be done superbly well, difficulties do strengthen the soul, and the body, and thus any given team.
        Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Mountains are moved through actual work not by words alone.
        Mistakes and fractures that are well cured make a team stronger. When work and commitment and satisfaction become one, no objective is impossible. The goals become easy.
        One should seek their horizons and leave their limitations behind.
        The winds of change, and the wave of adversity are always on the side of the ablest navigators. Adversity is sometimes the best medicine for the cure.
        One cannot change the direction of the wind , however, you can adjust your sails and reach your destination.
        Prosperity tests the fortunate, adversity the greatest of leaders. Teams share the burdens and divide the grief’s amongst the team. Potentials seldom have limitations.
        An able man must lead other able men to success.
        One who never has learned to follow can never lead affectively . Coming together is a start, staying together, and working for common goal is seen as success.


  8. http://www.courierpress.com/news/local-news/councilman-downtown-remains-the-best-site-for-medical-campus_54024714

    Old doc whiplash is playing the fluff again. The downtown is the most costly site for a medical extension school “everybody knows that” the political licking aside and the actual valuation per student regulated to use such a political menagerie of mistakes becomes adverse to ones schooling site selection. Build it in the failed downtown expect the real time rejection that any smart student will weigh and balance per the dailies and expenses .

    The downtown site is a political ogre straight shot out of the first fold of the box.
    Doc whiplash! Is completely political on this and therefore should be rejected one on one.
    That’s out right disgusting when weighed with the daily valuation and the miserable high cost attached to the old downtowns living situations, the poor outdated infrastructures and the old downtown danger zones regularities in ones daily activities. Lousy logistical valuation da boot, what smart young medical student would fall into such a web of complete failure due its real accesses and available working utilities infrastructure?
    Good thing the states budget cut this infrastructure aberration down too a realistic approach on a more advanced infrastructure that the toxic old Evansville downtown and its dangerous surrounding areas.


    r/1. a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.
    “they described the outbreak of violence in the area as an aberration”
    synonyms: anomaly, deviation, departure from the norm, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation, digression, freak, rogue, rarity, oddity, peculiarity, curiosity, quirk; mistake
    “a statistical aberration”
    a characteristic that deviates from the normal types
    synonyms: anomaly, deviation, departure from the norm, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation, digression, freak, rogue, rarity, oddity, peculiarity, curiosity, quirk; (((((((mistake)))))))

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