Daily Topic Forum May 6, 2015



  1. Benjamin Magenheimer’s court case being heard at the Applet Court Level. Mr. Magenheimer was carrying his sidearm openly while visiting the Evansville, IN ZOO. The city police had him throw out of the Zoo and said he was being roudy after they talk to him. Evidently someone called the police to report a man with a gun at the Zoo. IN law prohibits the local jurisdiction from passing laws dealing the firearms I guess. So Benjamin hired an Indianapolis Attorney and they filed a law suit against the city. (Reminds me of when the City Police Illegally arrested John Blair for standing on the Street next to the Civic Center when Dick Cheney was visiting the Vanderburgh County Center Building a while back).

    Now the appeals court will decide of the court case can go forward of if the attorney errored in not filing a notice of Tort Claim before filing the law suit against the city. Hopefully the court will rule against the city.

    I meet this man at the gun range once and talked to him. I didn’t know who he was until later when he told me what had happened to him and that he was filing a law suit against the City. Good for him. He seems like a good man and was pleasant, courteous and managed his firearms in a safe manner at the gun range.

    I also have a license to open/conceal carry and practice this on a daily basis. You draw a lot less attention to your self if you conceal your weapon. But legally one has the right to Carry a sidearm Openly from what I understand about the law in Indiana.

    People can’t openly attack the 2nd amendment and get it changed as the constitution requires changes to the Constitution to follow a rigorous procedure and approval by the people involved. IE State Legislature and a super majority of the US Senate and House of Representative and a lot of the States. So it’s been easier to just ignore the constitution and go around it and pass Illegal Anti Gun laws against people having and buying guns and ammunition. I wish that the US Supreme Court would strike down all these anti gun laws that go directly against the 2nd Amendment.
    Benjamin Magenheimer vs. City of Evansville et al.

  2. Not as open and shut as it may seem. If I’m recalling correctly, police were called to the Zoo for a man walking around with a gun. The police must investigate, so they found him, talked to him, got his ID ect. They didn’t order him but asked him if he would conceal his weapon to avoid more calls, and that’s when he became belligerent and was asked to leave the Zoo. It’s not his first run-in for this kind of thing either. Seems he’s the kind of person who be in-your-face with his gun rights until someone calls the police, which is his goal. He rode a bicycle up and down the street with an AK-47 on his back until someone called the police once. He also attempted to open carry into the maternity ward at a local hospital after his son was born, which is against the law. When confronted by nurses and security he simply acted like they weren’t there, and they called the police and he had to leave. He’s the kind of person who gives responsible gun owners a bad name. Responsible gun owners carry to protect themselves and hope they never have to. He carries to make sure everyone else knows he’s carrying and hopes someone gives him a reason to draw. IMO he’s been behaving like this looking for a chance to file a lawsuit and get a payday.

      • Amen. I’d hire a lawyer to and file suit if they hassle me when I openly carry. But I’ll do it in a way that will be calm and cool. I won’t give them a reason to do other wise. I’ll comply with their demands and then take it to court where they too will have to comply with the Judge’s and Laws rules. They can’t make up their own rules in the court room like they can in the street. All they should have done is asked to see him carry permit and then walked away and left him to be. They should have also explained to the worry nellies that the law allows people to carry a fire arm openly or concealed if they pass a back ground check and pay to get the carry permit here in Indiana. And that should have been the end of it.

        I actually met this gentleman once and he didn’t seem strange or uptight at all. He was friendly and courteous to me. But then again we both carry openly at times. He did say to me that he would not want to do that again at the Zoo. I guess it’s had an effect on him with all the publicity. I would have never known who he was or what he did if he had no brought it up to me while we were at the range shooting.

        • You said it all with your last sentence: “I would never have known who he was or what he did if he had not brought it up to me while we were at the range shooting.”
          That’s EXACTLY why he does these things. After the Zoo thing, he was a celebrity at the 2nd Amendment Patriots meeting. He’s like a child, he needs that kind of attention. He does this stuff so he’ll get in trouble, then he has a victim story to tell and people to sympathize with him.

      • Just because you have the right to doesn’t mean it’s always a good idea. The Zoo is mostly full of moms and kids. They see some douche walking around with a piece on his side, their first thought probably isn’t “wow, there’s a real patriot exercising his 2nd Amendment rights! I bet he’s got a valid license to carry that and isn’t crazy, I’m glad he’s here to protect me!” Even though that’s what Ben might imagine them saying in his head, they’re more than likely thinking “who is this idiot and why does he have a gun out at the Zoo? I’m leaving.” With everything going on these days, seeing a gun in a family public place like that makes people more nervous, not more secure. He got the exact reaction he wanted, but he messed up when he lost his cool. I carry but never have it out in the open. I know I’m not crazy, but nobody else knows that and I’m not carrying to intimidate anybody or look tough, I’m carrying in case I need it. Ben carries to get a rise out of people and it worked.

  3. What’s been the beef between Friend and Beaver. What did Beaver do to piss John off so much? There must be some past history that I’ve forgotten or missed.

    • Weaver and Missy have a “history” with pretty much everyone they have worked with. They are provocateurs.
      Everyone who has to work with them hate them. Hmmm why is that?

      Several reliable sources have told me that in his short stint as assessor Weaver stirred up more stink than anyone else in the Civic Center. Now that is saying something!

      Everywhere Weaver and Mosby go there is dysfunction, controversy, trouble and dissension. Of course their supporters will tell you they’re innocent angels caught up in ugly Evansville politics.

      Rumor has it that after a heated discussion at a CC meeting Weaver sent Doc Adams a very ugly e-mail calling Doc a Mother Funner, multiple times, and told Doc he was going to Fun up Doc’s world if he kept it up.

      Either Doc was gracious enough to write it off to alcohol and anger or the story was wildly exaggerated or the story/rumor is completely false started by Weaver haters. I know one of our regular readers / posters can tell if the story is true or not. If it is I would love it if it became public.

  4. Flowsby is a certifiable ditz , weaver, is a bought little addicted pig. News on the subject is coming stay tuned.

  5. Benjamin Magenheimer won his right to proceed to the court room. The appeals court ruled in his favor. Gun rights advocates are cheering today.

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