Daily Topic Forum May 5, 2015



  1. Voted today. Why? I don’t know for sure. Maybe it’s because I was among the first 18 year olds allowed to vote. Have never missed a chance to exercise my right to vote in all those years. The candidates on both sides and in every race are absolutely ridiculous. No visable tralent whatsoever. Winnecke has no accomplishments to his credit whtsoever and Riecken? Again, no significant accomplishmebts. She’s been sucking at the puplic teat for decades with zero effect and for far too long. Sad, really. Sad.

  2. Tiring to have to chose between who is bad, or who is worse,–when it’s even hard to tell the two apart.
    The Status Quo politic marches on.
    The Primaries are where the “Machine” beats back any change, or challenger to their grip on the Power of Governing. Until the population wakes up to this fact and goes to the polls with purpose,- nothing will ever change. It’s not only Sad, it’s depressing to see the low voter turnout.

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