Daily Off Topic Forum September 4, 2015



  1. Guess what? A refinery in Whiting Indiana is down to about half of their capacity for the the nest month or so,—Let the price gouging begin!
    The outrageous price increases will not create any more gasoline, there isn’t any rationing proposed, every station I go past hasn’t any lines of Cars, so I guess they have an adequate supply on hand. By resorting to any excuse for justifying their greed, a windfall can be reaped on the supply already in their tanks. and of course all the while, Oil is selling at a 6year low, less than $43 a barrel (WTI) on the open market, and Sept contracts of refine Gasoline are down over 1 1/2% .
    From top to bottom, We can expect these creeps to abuse the consumer (the little people) —-because they can!
    When the “Bean Counters” took over running the Stock Market Circus,
    —it became the American way of doing Business!

    • Editor this post should have been posted on the August 13th, 2015 off topic forum–certainly not the Sept 4th forum that is more than 3 weeks away! I didn’t note the forum date. could you correct it please?

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