Daily Off Topic Forum September 28, 2015



  1. Warrick County Commissioners– Mandate that Warrick, unincorporated area, Resident Trash pick up must be by a New Start-up Company that they have selected to handle Trash, and Recyclables,– starting Dec. 1st 2015.—Residents CANNOT contract to have any other company haul their trash or recyclables off. There is an opt-out clause with the requirement that Residents must take their Refuse to the Warrick Landfill operation location themselves, and of course, there has been a price increase for those selecting this option. There appears to not have been any bidding process in their selection of this New Start-up Company owned by the apparent “well-connected”.–Residents are outraged by this Politically charged selection process and the resulting Mandate. The Current (long time) Trash Businesses are expected to sue the Commissioners in regards to this– blatant– Restraint of Trade Scheme– by the Politicos in Warrick County.

    • The only Commissioner who listened to his constituents and voted against the mandate was Richard Reid. He has earned the right to ask District 1 for another term.

  2. The Middle East is a war zone. There is a massive power vacuum being filled by ISIS. How did this happen? Why did this happen?
    Let’s ask DICK CHENEY !!
    [Question:] Do you think the U.S., or U.N. forces, should have moved into Baghdad and remove Hussein?
    [Dick Cheney Answer:] No.
    [Question:] Why not?
    [Dick Cheney Answer:] Because if we’d gone to Baghdad we would have been all alone. There wouldn’t have been anybody else with us. There would have had to be a U.S. occupation of Iraq. None of the Arab Middle Eastern forces that were willing to fight with us in Kuwait were willing to invade Iraq.
    Once you got to Iraq and took it over, took down Saddam Hussein’s government, then what are you going to put in its place? That’s a very volatile part of the world, and if you take down the central government of Iraq, you could very easily end up seeing pieces of Iraq fly off: part of it, the Syrians would like to have to the west, part of it — eastern Iraq — the Iranians would like to claim, they fought over it for eight years.
    In the north, you’ve got the Kurds, and if the Kurds spin loose and join with the Kurds in Turkey, then you threaten the territorial integrity of Turkey.
    “It’s a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq.”

    • How many times can you put up this same, insane rant? CCO – please take it down.




        • I”m sure Editor knows. It’s timely today.
          The UN is in session, and the topic is Middle East chaos. I reposted it, because it it TOTALLY CLEAR where this problem originated. Bush/Cheney and the last GOP White House.

  3. We went last evening to the Evansville Philharmonic concert with special guest, Joshua Bell, the brilliant violinist. Some will not agree with my point of view of what took place but many who were there will.
    Mr. Bell performed as soloist with the orchestra on a beautiful piece. For his second number he fiddled a great rendition of ‘Old McDonald Had a Farm…’. No joke.
    That was his finale. Came back out two or three times to bow to thundrous applause and then, poof, he was not seen or heard from again.
    Mr. Bell’s fee for performing with the orchestra? A cool $106,000. For two numbers.
    The Evansville Philharmonic got hozed – I mean really hozed.
    The rest of the evening was spent listening to this great orchestra beautifully perform music which was absolutely forgetable.
    A bad night at the Philharmonic.

  4. DB,–The Middle East is Tribal, the Tribes, the Arabs, the Persian, the Tribes ;of Israel, have been killing each other for thousands of years, century after century, little blips in History of bad judgement, exampled by Politicos like Cheney will always be on the fringes, but are no more than irrelevant blips in the blood conflict of these tribes and the centuries to come. Cheney is in the dust bin of History, just like those that cast us into Vietnam, and many lives later, just like in Iraq, nothing has been changed by the sacrifice of our fellow Americans as time has shown us. Blame, there is always plenty to go around as the world marches, until the end of Time, to the evil inherent in mankind. — Nothing, Nothing, will really change no matter how much you, and I, yes all of us, despair while the World trudges toward Armageddon.— As it is written, so it shall be.

  5. Are you tired of hearing about the need to take care of the poor by the Pope?

    Are you bothered when you hear all your friends say money in politics is destroying our democracy?

    Are you sick of hearing Obama and the Pope talk about climate change and being good stewards of the environment when your republican friends and allies need to pollute with impunity in order to keep their multimillion dollar mansions and 6 vacation homes?

    Are you fed up with Bernie Sander exposing a rigged system that insures the wealth and income of all your capitalist buddies and country club friends?

    Do you feel guilty when Hillary and other liberals call you a stinking unmitigated hypocrite for the way you treat women, minorities and gays?

    Well worry no more!! Have we got a product for you!!

    Meet Republican Jesus!

    Republican Jesus washes away all those guilty feelings and awkward moments with the common people
    With Republican Jesus You’ll be without scruples or a conscious in no time!

    Feel free to scam your friends and neighbors all week, just take republican Jesus with you to church on Sunday and he’ll forgive all your transgressions.

    Then you can start swindling people all over again on Monday. How refreshing could that be!

    Here are some testimonials from just a few of our customers.

    Stuart Varney: I’ve made millions being a callous pompous ass on CNBC and Fox Business, and with Republican Jesus I sleep like a baby at night.

    Charlie Gasparino: Everyone knows Jesus was a capitalist! Republican Jesus is the one for me.

    Maria Bartiromo: I never would have become the shrill over promoted money honey without Republican Jesus!

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    Ann Coulter: I never could have written all my hateful deceitful books without Republican Jesus!

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    So order now! Operators standing by!

    • …this is an excellent post. Indiana-Enoch has the same flaw in his view of Jesus. When you mention that Jesus’ message was quite simple: care for the poor and downtrodden, give love, compassion, acceptance….and you mention that, I-E’s reaction is immediately, “Your image of Jesus is the liberal Jesus.” It is preposterous. The Moral Majority Jesus is American, white, privileged and sits on a pedestal. The Jesus of the Gospels would never embrace these themes.

  6. Ha ha ha. The only one you got right was olsteen. Who wrote this nonsense for you?

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