Daily Off Topic Forum September 24, 2015



  1. I would like to commend the CCO for it’s support in it’s publication of Adoption of the Animals needing a home, it is a very worthwhile effort to assist in the placement of these homeless creatures that have no one but those who respond with kindness and volunteer to help.
    Pets teach us that– Life is short,–and to Love without reservation.

  2. Ng Lap Seng, also known as “Mr. Wu,” is in custody in New York after being arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on a conspiracy charge.

    Seng was arrested for allegedly lying about the reason he brought $4.5 million in cash to the United States, according to an ABC News report.

    Who is Ng Lap Seng, or “Mr. Wu”? Well, Seng previously got in trouble for sending cash to the U.S. illegally, and the Clintons were the ones who benefited.

    Ng visited the White House six times in the 1990s during the Clinton presidency and was photographed with the president and then-First Lady Hillary Clinton. What was he doing there?

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