Daily Off Topic Forum September 19, 2015



  1. I believe it’s time we start worrying about what kind of world we’re going to leave Keith Richards.

      • Besides, I’m the one who put it on facebook. Can I help it if it went viral?

        • Well now I’m CERTAIN you’re a bullshit liar. Sorry you’re embarrassed. You should be. All your ideas come from FOX news or Facebook memes. Never leared to think for yourself. You are actually quite boring.

          • Maybe. But I’m sure as hell getting under your skin and I live for that. Any day I can piss off a lefty, it’s been a good day. Keep watching this space, tard.

  2. OBAMA ADMISTRATION—Refuses to reveal number of Americans killed by Iran. Sec. of State Kerry side steps the question on 3 different occasions.

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