Daily Off Topic Forum September 18, 2015



  1. The origin of ‘left and right:’
    “The heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of a fool to the left.”

  2. This morning, bill clinton tried to cheer hillary up by reminding her that Nelson Mandela wasn’t elected president until he had served 27 years in prison…

  3. The Republican Party is in flames. Burning itself alive. The guy leading the GOP polls, he is for “single payer healthcare.” Unbelievable. And Balloonpilot is cheering this guy on….

  4. So – you support the entirely criminal hillary? Or is it bernie the socialist? socialism doesn’t work – never has, never will. Or do you support biden the plagiarist? None are fit to command a nation. No question about it. At least there are several very good Conservative candidates who have a shot of saving this nation from complete ruin which the left so gladly welcomes.

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