Daily Off Topic Forum September 14, 2015



  1. Republican writer Kathleen Parker wrote this:
    “GOP Candidates Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz running to Kentucky to endorse county clerk Kim Davis, who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. This was exactly the wrong poster person to advance religious freedom arguments. Aside from the fact that Davis applied for three divorces and four marriages in the County Clerks office, is she the role model for the Republican Party?
    The County Clerk’s job is to execute the law of the land, end of story. If Davis doesn’t like the law, she can honorably resign her elected position and seek employment that doesn’t require her to compromise her convictions.
    Surely both Huckabee, a former governor, and Cruz, who clerked for the hief justice of the United States, know this, which makes their pandering all the more ridiculous. They know the law. There are certainly arguments to be made for religious freedom, but the secular office of a county clerk isn’t one of them.
    Why would any voter align himself with the sort of ignorance that prompts someone to carry a sign comparing the United States Supreme Court to the Islamic State/ISIS?
    Because stupid sells, apparently.”

  2. “I don’t negotiate with terrorists: I give them whatever they want.” b hussein owebama

  3. Mr. Trump has been on live television from Texas for at least an hour now in front of a crowd estimated to be about 20,000 people. Look for another big bump in the polls tomorrow…

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