Home Uncategorized Daily Off Topic Forum September 13, 2015


  1. owebama is set to receive his second nobel peace prize. In my view, he hasn’t yet earned the first one. The nobel prize has become valueless, a joke.

    • …you’re upset BP. What you need to do, is vote for a winner.

      Otherwise BP, you’re gonna always be a griping loser.
      Just sit and gripe cause you lost.
      Maybe that’s what you want….

        • Balloonpilot:
          Is this a serious question? Are you even a serious person?

          The answer: Obama. He’s doing exactly what he said he would do when he campaigned. That is the measure of an effective President. The people who voted for Obama expected him to do what he said he was going to do: Obamacare – withstanding all challengers – even at the Supreme Court – and all Republican lies that it would be repealed, new approaches to Middle East diplomacy, – the Iran agreement changes in approaches to civil rights/marriage laws, pressing his view of what the budget should be, reversing economic decline under Bush, Obamatrade, we could go on and on….Obama’s won on everything he said he wanted to focus on. His voters who WON, they didn’t lose Sir. They won.
          You asked BP. There’s your answer.

          Let’s get back to the primary point BP:
          You are gonna always be a griping loser.
          Just sit and gripe cause you lost.
          It’s what you want….
          Post another gripe. It’s what you do….


      What a joke you are and this post proofs it.


  2. The democrat party has morphed into the Neo Fascist Party.
    Hallmarks of Neo Fascism:
    Lies masquerading as truth
    Intolerance masquerading as tolerance
    Injustice masquerading as justice
    Hate masquerading as love
    Division masquerading as unity
    Inequality masquerading as equality
    Re-education camps masquerading as Education
    Wealth redistribution masquerading as prosperity
    Oppressive government regulation masquerading as compassion
    Enslavement to Government tyranny masquerading as Freedom.
    Orwellian destruction of words. The Neo Fascists are purveyors of hate and destruction.
    Memo to Neo Fascists: You shall be defeated and destroyed.

    • B’pilot, why worry about what you have no control over? BB Brains and The Puppet will never change as I’m sure their lives are dependent on the largess of those (probably, taxpayers) who actually contribute to the good of the country and society in general.
      They will always be in the flock of sheeples waiting for the next handout from Big Brother while fighting (figuratively only, of course) to keep the milk of welfare flowing.

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