Daily Off Topic Forum September 10, 2015



  1. There was a very long and wordy obituary recenty published in the C&P for local actor and community activist Steve Small. It was followed by an article in the C&P written by one of his cronies. Both the obituary and follow-up article made it appear that Mr. Small was a godly saint. The truth is he was radical left wing socialist bent upon destroying the fabric of this nation. He believed in redistributing the wealth from those who had honestly earned it (unless it was his married-in-to money), he believed that despite the Constitution of the United States all guns should be confiscated from those who legally owned them. he believed that even though he lived in a large house with a swimming pool and located in an exclusive subdivision in Vanderburgh County (to avoid Evansville City property taxes) he should inject himself into Evansville City politics and elections. And he believed that if you disagreed with him you should be silenced as you were not as smart as him and shouldn’t be allowed to express your opinion as he was all-knowing, all-powerful, onnipotent, and never wrong.

    • I see you knew Mr. Small well, PoseyCountyDutchman. I also had to make sure it was the same man I knew when I read the article.

  2. Just a typical liberal. It’s a disease and you describe the exact symptons perfectly..

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