Daily Off Topic Forum October 5, 2015



  1. Any ideas that Obama is a failed President are puke, resentment at his success and lies.
    (Unless of course you disagree with him, in which case, well…you lost the last election. Of course you’ll complain.)
    Chalk another legacy win for Obama – the Pacific Trade Agreement.
    This time, it is the liberals like Bernie Sanders who oppose Obama. The GOP Establishment wants this deal, which is why they passed fast-track trade negotiation authority for the President.

    Obama is ineffective? The evidence says otherwise:
    1. Pacific Trade Agreement
    2. No Keystone Pipeline
    3. Passing of gay marriage as a Constitutional right.
    4. Affordable Care Act passage and wins to support it at the Supreme Court. Total national health care reform.
    5. Continued Immigration reform (which Rubio and the GOP establishment now support)
    6. Global Nuclear Arms Agreement with Iran
    7. Successful turnaround of US Auto industry
    8. Return to economic growth for US economy from losses of Bush years.
    9. Presidency of low inflation, high 401k retirement accounts, return of capital growth in real property values nationally.

    It is so comprehensive, that those who disagree and insist Obama has been prevented by the GOP from success?

    They CANNOT NAME ONE THING they have stopped Obama from doing.
    Go ahead. Name them….
    Name the ways the GOP has stopped Obama.

    • I finally remember who this Don Becker guy is. Weinzapfel Westside comes to mode. Both claim they are Republicans, yet root for everything done by the line. They both have mad ons for the Tea Party, yet never explain why. Just another recycled poster using another name and email after being banned.

  2. You are only right in the statement the right has not been able to stop him, he gets everything he wants. Almost everything you list on your post as a ‘win’ is indeed a wn for owebama. Hardly a win for this nation. It is you who lies.

  3. Crazy uncle joe biden, the proven plagiarist, is the greatest insurance policy owebama could have ever hoped for against the threat of assassaination.

  4. Tonight, my wife and I attended the beginning of the 94th. annual Evanssville WSNC Fall Festival. The Fest is a GUN FREE ZONE. So: If a deranged nut shows up with a bag full of guns and starts shooting innocents, no one can shoot back. So wrong.
    I was armed. My wife was armed and the friends we were with were armed, though concealed. We know how to react in an active shooter event, and we will. It will keep you alive.
    Upon leaving the Festival we followed out a young woman and her husband or boyfriend. She was wearing a 9MM Glock onr her right hip and trwo magazines on her left. I love this woman. Shee will keep us all alive.

  5. No. The criminals visit gun free zones cause there is less chance of someone shooting back. You know, like schools and theaters.

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