Home Uncategorized Daily Off Topic Forum October 4, 2015


  1. Balloonpilot is the #1 fan of Donald Trump being the next President of the United States. You know why? Here’s why BP wants Trump to be President:
    1. Donald Trump is for transforming the American health care system into “single payer healthcare.” Trump wants single payer healthcare for the US. (That was worth repeating. I mean, he leads the GOP polls.)
    2. Donald Trump’s daughter is Ivanka Trump. Trump thinks she’s real pretty. So pretty in fact he said this, “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father . . . ”
    3. Then Donald Trump, who is about 25% of the basement dwelling Tea Party voters want to be President of the United States said this, “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

  2. Who do you want in the WH, db? BTW – I am so glad I’ve gotten under your skin. Any time I can piss off a lib, my day is made.

    • Are you for real? Jeb Bush for President. I”m no liberal. (You just think you’re surrounded by liberals cause you are so G-dam paranoid about everything.)

    • Oh. You’re not under my skin. You’re fun. Everytime you write, BP, you help elect Democrats BP though. In fact, you’re just what James Carville says about Donald Trump: “I love Donald Trump. Love him!!! He’s the best thing ever to happen to the Hillary Clinton campaign.”

    • We at OFI have narrowed the field down to three:

      Mr. Bernard Sanders
      Dr. Kermit Gosnell
      Mr. Robert Mugabe

      There are a few who prefer Ms. Hillary Rodham, admittedly. Comrade President Obama prefers Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei as his successor, but he is seen as being too busy planning the destruction of Israel to be interested in the job. I personally favor a ticket with Mr. Nicolás Maduro, Comrade President of Venezuela, as president and Rod Blagojevich as VP. Mr. Becker is known to favor a “favorite daughter” ticket of Ms. Linda Durham and Ms. Gail Riecken.

      • In a post a day or two ago, you said Amieica is, “…a horrible country.” F U. I don’t like you, F ing traitor.

    • My guess is anyone with a D by their name. Pathological liar, proclaimed socialist,
      Uncle Joe the buffoon, it don’t make no never mind.

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