Daily Off Topic Forum October 30, 2015



  1. It is very satisfying to see the Big Money Establishment lose it’s ass on their “Boy” Jeb Bush, Millions upon Millions down the toilet, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch, —the only thing that’s going to bring even More Satisfaction, will be watching the “Serial Liar” Hillery and her campaign Millions also go down in flames next November. America is going to turn the page, and relegate the Clintons and Bushs, to the dust bin of History.

    • You are right Crash. Jeb Bush was highly ineffective in the debate.
      BUT THEN you make some enormous leap of faith by trying to say Bush’s bad debate somehow means Hillary Clinton is going down in flames. What? Is this Crash playing find the ball under the cup?
      ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? The Dem Primary is over. HC is working on the general election campaign right now. NOW. Three kills under her belt, Benghazi hearings – Debates – Joe Biden, and waving the American Flag.
      The GOP has this Trump thing to deal with until NEXT SUMMER. It was carnage on that GOP stage: Trump is the leader and everyone else looks like little puppies compared to him.
      (Unless you want a child molester for your candidate…and nothing, NOTHING will change the fact that Ted Cruz makes you uncomfortable you are unwittingly sitting at the table with a child molester when Ted Cruz sits down. Cruz is more of a dream GOP candidate for Hillary than Trump! Bring on the child molester prototype.)

  2. FOX NEWS’ Charles Krauthammer this morning (Friday):
    “At a certain point, you have to realize you can’t hit a fastball. House Republicans don’t quite get that they are hopeless at oversight hearings. They keep losing — and now the chairman of the House Oversight Committee has just introduced articles of impeachment against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Are you helping or hurting?

    The GOP House and the Republican Party have given a five-year display of its INABILITY to successfully demonstrate anything! From Benghazi all the way back to Operation Fast and Furious, its hearings’ impact on public perception has been either zero or negative.

    As a PR disaster for the GOP, nothing compares to Benghazi, in which the select committee, supposedly armed with evidence against Hillary Clinton, handed her instead a major victory. The outcome of the hearing is that the committee presented nothing new, except misuse of taxpayer funds, and never laid a glove on her. How could the Republicans have blown it so badly?
    In each of these cases, Republicans failed. They helped her be the next President of the United States.

    • I don’t watch nor do I put any faith what so ever in Fixed news GOP made for Political Propaganda TV

    • Ha! That’s funny. Good job.
      (Maybe not yet. Remember John McCain was dead too, said “you should drop out.” He was the nominee.)

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