Daily Off Topic Forum October 19, 2015



  1. I met this guy running for President, and he said this:
    1. “Corporations have too much power, are too big, and can’t be trusted.”
    2. “Welfare agencies are just give-away organizations.”
    3. “Insurance companies are getting rich and run the ACA. Healthcare for all, cut costs, and make just one.”
    3. “Cops need a heavier hand to control crime.”
    4. “Tax laws protect the rich.”
    5. “Whites are not responsible for wrongs done to blacks in the past”
    6. “The US is done with foreign aid. No more.”
    7. “We need one person in charge in Washington. One, to stop this mess.”

  2. With regard to owebama pushing crazy uncle joe to get in the race for the white House:

    It’s pretty remarkable that the party of “diversity” can’t seem to find anyone but a bunch of old white retreads to run this time. Sanders is insane, Hillary is so corrupt she smells, Biden is just plain stupid and the rest of them are useless. Should be fun to watch the Democrats self-destruct over the next year.

    • Are you talking to yourself to come to these conclusions Balloonpilot? Cause none of what you are saying is accurate. Hillary is solidly in charge of the Democratic Party nomination. You got two jobs to win the Presidency – 1) Win your Party’s Primary, and 2) Win the General Election. Hillary Clinton is done…this is universally understood within both Democratic and Republican Parties.

      The GOP has to deal with Trump until the SUMMER OF 2016 before it is over!! And the GOP Party is in flames: no-one knows what it stands for, there is NO one in charge of the GOP, the GOP plan is a garbage dumpster fire. (“What is your plan?” “Uhmmm, we don’t have a plan. We just want to stop Hillary. Right. Just stop Hillary.”

      You lash out because you are insecure Balloonpilot about the GOP’s chances of winning the White House, and this trash talk from you is an effort to hope no-one notices you are bleeding from your rear-end.
      (And Joe Biden? He’s gonna be the most popular guy in America campaigning as old, lovable Uncle Joe, out campaigning for America’s First Woman President. The media will eat it up. And you, Sir, will be griping, griping, and whining about it the whole time.)

      • I see you didn’t take a break from sniffing the paint fumes over the weekend, Shem. I find it amazing how much BS you can spout with nothing to backup your claims. Even when you try to back up one of your crazed rants, you create your points out of thin air. Seek your metal help and get back on your meds dude. You contribute nothing of importance on these boards except for comedy relief from both sides of the aisle.

        • Just comedy relief? Well, that and accuracy Brandon.
          Your anger at the struggling GOP, I get it.

        • Heavy “metal” or acid rock?
          You might check which version of Autotype you’re using.

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