Daily Off Topic Forum November 3, 2015



  1. Here’s my buddy loonpilot’s prediction:

    Oct 27, 2015 at 5:37 pm

    And when the going got tough, Gail got going. To Illinois. To hide out, if I remember correctly. Not fit to be mayor. Not fit to be a legislator. Been at the public for far too long.
    Winnecke wins in a big, big way.

    Must admit bro, I didn’t bet as much as I originally intended because of the shell shock of my loss in 2012, but I at least made enough to call you a true friend that puts The Great Carnac, (and al sharpie) to shame.

    On a side note, I come to Evansville once a week but think I’m going to start making it once a month after seeing Schriber get 5,000 votes because I still have a nice looking ass and I intend to keep it intact.


    And thanks again….

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