Home Uncategorized Daily Off Topic Forum November 15, 2015


    • Its a beautiful time of year to take to the road and use some of it as well. The week ahead will bring another CSO blow out or three straight shot to toxic stinking low valuation old downtown Evansville. I’d get some fresh air while you can Crash, its gonna be a mess by midweek.

  1. Climate change is the biggest threat to the work. ISIS is contained. I am still in shock. I pray for all of us.

    • Your sir are exactly correct about the climate change threat, I’ve seen first person just how that issue can drive regional conflicts, and mass planetary migrations. That’s not going to improve until mankind unites somehow and pushes forward with the already scientifically known solutions. And then continues to push that forward with any viable new science discovered.
      Those attacks in Paris hit home with myself with the arrests of others in neighboring countries. Prayers of course for the loved ones and survivors. I cannot say my eyes didn’t wet with emotion when the news came to my location.
      Those that were taken through that terrible violence have already now met their eternal balances. I can only pray for their souls eternal peace, and the recovery of the injured. The prayers today should go to those that are given the accountability to maintain peace for the whole of the civilized world. They will need every prayer, every ounce of training, and word of support, from us to show our support of those of us that find this terror based violence as humanly unacceptable.
      In the mean balance of time, I will double my efforts to find doable solutions to the mean cause of human migration throughout the entirety of our astounding home Planet Earth, third planet from our star, that’s our sun.

      Ellie. L.

      • You are so right, Comrade EllieL–these young men’s brains were damaged by heatstroke from global warming, but even so, after suffering many years from the tens of thousands of Euros the French welfare state forced on them, they wanted to bear witness against the running dogs of US capitalism. This is why they carefully packed copies of former Vice-President Gore’s _Earth in the Balance_ in their paradise vests. It is refreshing in this benighted community to hear from an advanced EU progressive such as yourself.

        J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
        Maximum co-coordinator
        Organizing for Idiocy
        Evansville Cell

        • You are a sicking liar ,and part and parcel of why the western world has so many problems with steady policy. My take, you’ve never seen or been near the carnage. You are a disgrace to your country, and one of the major problems in that countries resolve. Swine, little piece of dung. Time and the resolve of the free world will soon put you in the place where the rest of the human race should keep you. Creep.

          • Hey babe, first thing is first. You don’t live in our country, so you have no say in any matter concerning it. Especially the fake Global Cooling/Global Warming/ Climate Change fiasco. You leftist Europeans are a disgrace to the human race with your pansy ass attitudes. You pull your liberal bullcrap every so often and then who has to come save your ass from the tyrants/dictators and madmen of the world? The US does, plus we continue to prop up every friggin country in the world with aid payments. If you wanna wine and lecture people, you better get your own house in order first you pompous snob.

  2. In the News——The Islamic State claims credit for the Paris Attack/Murders.
    In the News——Democrat Candidates for President DECLINE to use the words–Radical Islam Terrorists– in their statements concerning the Massacre.
    Hillery claims the words– “Paint with too broad a Brush”.

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