Daily Off Topic Forum November 12, 2015



  1. FBI expands Hillery Investigation.

    The “Serial Liar” inches ever closer to the “Gray Bar Hotel”, and may need a (Ford/Nixon) pardon from the 2016 Republican President-Elect to stay out of it’s VIP Suite.

  2. The FBI moved another step closer to clearing Hillary Clinton of anything illegal today.

    Many in the Tea Party Sovereign Nation groups hold out hope the FBI will change their mind.
    For them, this is the only thing stopping Hillary Rodham Clinton
    being the next President of the United States.

  3. Nearly 7 in 10 (68percent) Americans think Hillery Clinton acted either unethically or illegally by using a private email server while Secretary of State, according to the latest McClatchy-Marist Poll.

    Believing Americans will line up to vote for her is pure fantasy on the part ;of the Liberals.

  4. And hillary is the very best the crats can muster for a candidate. You have to be out of your mind or a very low info voter to support this criminally corrupt witch.

    • And your parties leading fool is a pompous asshole with a really bad comb over. I guess he’ll just declare bankruptcy for the nation if the bills stack up. Its his pathetic history you know. You people on the far right sure have an attraction to big mouths. Betcha you buy a lotta products advertised in the early pre dawn hours, big mouth advertising nails’um every time…. AHhahahahahahaa!

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