Daily Off Topic Forum May 23, 2015



  1. How about the sexually repressed “Family Research Council” and their hero family the Duggars!

    Aren’t they something!? Using her v—– for a clown car, telling their kids they’ll burn in hell if they m——-.

    Good grief there is no telling what Effed up BS they taught their kids. There is no way to give 17 children the love support and guidance they need.

    Going around the country smearing gay people with worst kinds hateful lies and propaganda.
    Wagging their fingers at everybody else about “Family Values” while they covered up crimes.

    Conservative christianity is one messed up, sick, absurd, ideology. It screws up pretty much everyone and everything it touches! Pun intended!

    • They should have done the loving thing and aborted 17 of the 19 or what ever number you say is practical. Of course logic dictates that one man’s failures as a teenager means the values of the organization must be flawed. You’re are scratch and sniff hater Brains. The oder of your hate is so shallow that a little scratch and the oder of your hate fills the room.

      • I knew clowns like you and Huckabee would try to brush this aside as a one off and the “oh the poor teenager” bit. LOL!

        I guess you missed the part about the Duggars having kids on purpose for fame and fortune(good ‘ol American family values) instead of using birth control or getting fixed.

        Then you can’t resist dragging abortion into the convo by building your usual strawman / putting words in my mouth. A typical scumbag rhetorical technique used by RW “greats” like Coulter, Hannity, O’Reilly and Limbaugh.

        I guess you also missed the part about me saying that conservative christianity messes up everybody that gets infected with it, like you for instance. Evidently conservative chritianity messes up your reading comprehension skills also, just like it makes you a science denying obstinate bigoted fool, like you for instance.

        • If he was coming out as having experimented as gay teenager you would applaud him. No one including Dugger is defending him. But his mistakes or the size of his family does not negate traditional values.

          I don’t hate or deny science. I love science when it is not soiled with naturalistic assumptions and anti-Christian bigotry.

          Abortion without exception is the greatest atrocity against humanity of all time. I will speak against it as often as you speak for it and more.

          Deal with the hate seething under your own skin and there will be far less hate in the world.

  2. In review of the Financial Statements published by the Winneck Administration as of March 31, 2015, the twelve month period ended indicates that the Park/Rec funds LOST $2.8 MILLION. . . the General Fund LOST 1.2 MIILLION. . . the Hospitalization Fund LOST $2.1 MILLION. . . the Downtown TIF LOST $5 MILLION. . . the state and federal drug forfeiture fund where Winnecke collected $800,000, the fund is nearly zero and nothing to show for it . . . . of course, the mainstream media has lost the story on the metergate scandal . . .i.e. where the utility ratepayer maybe forking over nearly $3,000 for the damage caused by replacement of those perfectly working meters . . . and now after three and one half years of fooling around with this Convention Hotel, or may I say, Motel (have you ever stayed at a convention hotel were the HVAC units were in the rooms?) and the most ridiculous part of this, the taxpayer’s will be swiping their credit card for 12 MILLION more than the Council approved . . . what was the comment Dr. Adams said, “I will not support one more dime in this hotel” . . . at the risk of the Med school . . . and now we discover that of the $1.1 MILLION for architect and engineering services, only $200,000 can be useful . . . so chalk up another $800,000 in the crapper . . . of course, we can NOT forget about the debacle called EARTHCARE and the crazy loan of $200,000 which we will NOT receive a dime . . . hold the presses, what about the Johnson Control Contract . . .Winnecke totally rewrote the damned thing and we find out that too many of us will be forking out approx $3,000 for damage the monkeys will be causing replacing the perfectly good meters for those fancy meters . . . and NOW Winnecke has forget to tell us about the $250,000,000 obligation entered into with the employees of the City to pay their healthcare in the retirement years . . . some may say, “when I think of Winnecke, train wreck comes to mind” . . . .

    • Winnecke tried to play the same con (Hotel) as Weinzapful but Evansville voters had already been stung by the Arena. Now all Winnecke has is small time grifting, bait and switch, check kiting and a few other small cons.

      He still has his shills though, Weaver, Mosby, Windhorst, Green, McNeely, Cooke and the rest of them.

      Look for a new con in the next few months, right before the election.

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