Daily Off topic Forum May 17, 2015



  1. WASHINGTON POST, May 17, 2015

    DES MOINES — To take back the White House after eight years in the political wilderness, Republicans think they must soften their image and expand their appeal in particular to women and Latino voters. As Jeb Bush, a leading presidential contender, puts it, “We’re going to win if we show our hearts.”

    • …you don’t think that’s true?

      Here is Drudge Report this morning, Sunday, May 17, 2015

      “The NEW America: Spanish language network Univision ratings beat ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX networks”

    • I hear ya pilot –
      but this reader would rather offer jihadists martyrdom – True Americans will never bow to the particular brand of ignorance and oppression – the radical Islamist’s promote.
      We are just too comfortable – with our own. …

    • I think it’s abundantly clear that the man has a hearty appetite. That was funny but come on, Chris has a sweet tooth.

  2. If you HAD to be ruled by one person/dictator who would you pick/vote for?

    Abraham Lincoln OR Jefferson Davis

    Franklin Roosevelt OR Hebert Hoover

    Eugene McCarthy OR Joseph McCarthy

    Jane Fonda OR Ted Nugent

    Birch Bayh OR Jesse Helms

    Carter OR Reagan

    Ted Kennedy OR Nixon

    Robert Redford OR Chuck Norris

    Michael Moore OR Ann Coulter

    Rachel Maddow OR Bill O’Reilly

    Nancy Pelosi OR Newt Gingrich

    Niel deGrass Tyson OR Ben Carson

    Bernie Sanders OR Ted Cruz

    George Soros OR David Koch

    Elizabeth Warren OR Rand Paul

  3. New reports that “Marco Rubio is the latest GOP candidate to trip up on questions about whether we should have gone to war in Iraq.”

    You know why?


    Jeb was always the chosen one for President by George H and Barbara. They did not want George W. to run because they didn’t believe he would win, and they thought he wouldn’t make a good President.

    And besides the failure of the Tea Party crazy people, that Republican legacy is hurting the chances of winning the White House time and time again.

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