Home Uncategorized Daily Off topic Forum May 16 , 2015


    • Mr. Benton, I hoping you’ll share the sites where you obtained your “fact based” rebuttal from last night’s posts. I’ve never heard the term “government assets” so please share your sources. Thank you sir.

      • The only “government” assets around these parts are the Plastics/Phosgene (poison gas) plant located in Mt. Vernon, belonging to the Saudis, and the fertilizer/bomb plant belonging to the Pakistanis soon to be built and located in Mt Vernon as well.

      • Let Mr. Money for nothing we’ve had this discussion on this board about 15-20 times. every time it deteriorates into pissing contests about the reliability of sources whether the Fed is reliable source and whether submarines and aircraft carriers should be counted as assets and other nonsense. PS it really doesn’t affect the CHANGE in the net worth calculation as the subs and carrier are valued at about the same as they were in 2009 when Obama took office

        You can’t just count government assets. For Example

        Mr and Mrs Jones receive an $800 making work pay tax credit

        Dr Household and Non-profit assets $800

        Cr Government liabilities $800

        The TARP wiped out 100’s of billions in corporate liabilities

        Dr Corp liabilities BILLIONS
        Cr Government liabilities BILLIONS

        I know all of this is high level finance to you Jethro Bodines but try and understand OK


        Net worth of the US as of 03-31-2014 was about $123.8 T despite all the blathering by conners that the “country is broke” LOL!

          • Liberalism: It truly is a mental disorder and it is known as NPD or Narcisstic Personality Disorder. The most common symptoms are a long-standing pattern of grandiosity, overwhelming need for approval and a complete lack of empathy for others. It is also characterized by intellectual dishonesty.

    • TV Newser reports that the MSNBC Titanic hit a new iceberg Wednesday with the lowest demo day the left-wing network has earned in a decade. In the advertiser-coveted 25-54 age demo, MSNBC earned an average of just 50,000 viewers.

      Anything under 100,000 is considered catastrophic.

      Worse still, just one day after the big news of the Amtrak derailment hit, not a single one of MSNBC’s primetime programs managed to pull 100,000 demo viewers. The closest was Rachel Maddow at 99,000.

      Alex Wagner bottomed out with a humiliating 19,000. Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton could only scream up 30,000 and 52,000, respectively.

      As usual, whether it is a massive news day or a normal news day, in both the demo and total viewers, Fox News beat its left-wing competition at CNN and MSNBC combined.

      • What does any of this have to do with the price of gold in London? Nothing.

        Fiction always outsells non-fiction, ask any librarian or book seller.

        The Kardashians get higher ratings than a PBS/NOVA documentary.

        McDonald’s outsells Panera Bread by a large margin. Which one is better for your diet?

        Old people like to have their hateful prejudiced ideology validated by having RW cable show spoon feed them RW propaganda.


    • Word on the street has it Biden will be back as soon as his new dentures are delivered:

      “Two old guys decide they are close to their last days and decide to have a last night on the town. After a few drinks, they end up at the local brothel. The madam takes one look at the two old geezers and whispers to her manager, ‘go up to the first two bedrooms and put an inflated doll in each bed. These two are so old and drunk; I’m not wasting two of my girls on them. They won’t know the difference.’

      The manager does as he is told and the two old men go upstairs and take care of their business. As they are walking home the first man says, you know, I think my girl was dead!’

      ‘Dead?’ says his friend, ‘why do you say that?’ ‘well, she never moved or made a sound all the time I was loving her..’

      His friend says, ‘could be worse, I think mine was a witch.’

      ‘A witch??. . Why would you say that?’ ‘well, I was making love to her, kissing her on the neck, and I gave her a little bite, then she farted and flew out the window… Took my teeth with her!’

  1. Has anyone checked the library? He might be there plagiarizing his next speech.

  2. Fox News won’t broadcast much of anything that’s good for Obama or that makes Obama look good. Their goal is to bash Obama and the Democrats at all costs.

      • Fan or no fan, you are deceiving yourself….Obama will be considered one of the most productive Presidents, a top 25% guy. The problem is that you perhaps disagree with those accomplishments, but HE is smiling BP.

  3. S&P 500 hits a record high

    ISIS leader is killed

    Number of uninsured at all time lows

    Obamacare approval near all time highs

    Hillary leads all the clowns in the GOP clown car per Fox/Fraud

    Independent study shows EVERY LAST CLAIM the GOP made about the ACA turned out to be false

    A bad, bad day for the GOP?TP…… BUT A GREAT DAY FOR AMERICA!!!!!!

        • Liberalism: It truly is a mental disorder and it is known as NPD or Narcisstic Personality Disorder. The most common symptoms are a long-standing pattern of grandiosity, overwhelming need for approval and a complete lack of empathy for others. It is also characterized by intellectual dishonesty.

          • Wait a minute. BP, you’re not answering BB.

            You are only capable of bomb-throwing? Sarah Palin is skilled in this area.

            (Jeb Bush for President….)

    • More people (47 million) on food stamps than ever before. 50 million people in poverty. The First Lady had a chance to be an example of what hard work and determination can do. Instead she set out to further deepen the racial devise – I heard her speech; it was clearly her goal. Over 40 law officers have been killed in the line of duty this year.

      I disagree that things are just peachy in the USA

        • Where do you get your facts. If it’s from Fixed Noise then it’s most likely a disputed fact at best. They lie and tell half truths and only tell what makes Obama look bad. They won’t talk about the good things that Obama does or about the real facts about Global Warming and the environmental detrimental effects of Global Warming.

          • See above: The definition of liberalism. You suffer greatly. And global warming is a hoax, absolutely. And, owebama always looks bad, is bad.

          • The 93 million adults who do not have a job is an undisputed fact. The source is official government employment data. The other truth is that these 93 million people are not seeking employment for some reason. The do not show up in unemployment data because they are not actively looking for work. The labor participation rate is at a historical low of about 62.5%. Some are discouraged, some are working for cash, some are rich, and others are living off of others. It is interesting that so many people are able to essentially live off the grid.

      • Another fact filled, link filled post. Ad hominem’s seem to be your speciality.

    • This will certainly not be the first time in the history of this earth that an ice sheet has melted. It won’t be the last even if all human life is absent.

  4. Listed below is all the cultural, social, economic and scientific advances made by conservatives:

    • I’m sorry I forgot all the great contributions of conservatives. You know like the Dark Ages, and superstitious religious rituals and beliefs like burning people at the stake, crucifixions, and torture. Forced confessions on the rack, forbidding people from reading or learning or owning property or being able to inherit property. Holding people as political prisoners. Slavery and genocide.

      Oh boy the good ‘ol days!

      Stonings, hangings, witch trials and book burnings, perpetual war like the Crusades and lynchings and slaughters.

      Denying scientific advancements like heliocentricism, vaccinations, evolution, and basic sanitary measures.

      The Civil War and succession.

      Child labor, the Great Depression, Jim Crow laws, and poll taxes. Rampant and blatant discrimination against the Irish, the Chinese, the Mexicans, Africans and Native Americans. Stealing land and blaming the Indians as savages/terrorists for fighting back.

      The Good ‘ol days!

  5. List of famous liberals.

    Da Vinci
    Francis Bacon
    Rene Descartes
    John Locke
    Baruch Spinoza
    Immanuel Kant
    Issac Newton
    Benjamin Franklin
    Thomas Jefferson
    John Adams
    Abraham Lincoln
    Julia Ward Howe
    Booker T Washington
    Horace Mann
    Samuel Gompers
    Louis Pastuer
    Susan B Anthony
    Charles Darwin
    Joseph Lister
    Mark Twain
    Alexander Fleming
    Franklin Roosevelt
    Francis Perkins
    John Maynard Keynes
    Hubert Humphrey
    Jonas Salk
    John F Kennedy
    Lyndon Johnson
    Issac Asimov
    Carl Sagan

    • Brains, out of curiosity, what criteria did you use to determine those on you list were liberals? Two names, Thomas Jefferson and Booker T. Washington, jumped out immediately. Neither were liberal in their views.

      • I should have taken more time with my hastily prepared list.

        You’re correct in the sense that Booker Washington was someone who didn’t “rock the boat” by challenging Jim Crow laws. Bad on him. He did found the Tuskegee Institute though. A big progressive accomplishment don’t you think?

        Jefferson penned the most famous sentence in human history, “All men are created equal” etc,, yet he owned slaves. Boooo! Bad on him.

        From wiki

        A leader in the Enlightenment, Jefferson was a polymath in the arts, sciences, and politics. Considered an important architect in the classical tradition, he designed his home Monticello and other notable buildings. Jefferson was keenly interested in science, invention, architecture, religion, and philosophy; he was an active member and eventual president of the American Philosophical Society.

        Sounds very progressive/liberal too me.

        I should revise my list. Jefferson stays, Washington is under review.

    • When used in a political context, liberal means a liberal amount of government while conservatism is defined as a conservative amount of government. A liberal is willing to sacrifice his in exchange for an all powerful nanny ,cradle to grave federal government. Even if a liberal doesn’t need aid, he likes that the government has the power aggressively redistribute the wealth. That teacher’s Damon rich successful achievers! It does really help the poor to rise above because can’t truly lift a man by bringing down another. Liberals just love to but enhanced redistribution of wealth has never worked anywhere or anytime.

      • If redistribution of wealth doesn’t work then why does every society/nation/government engage in it?

        All taxes are a redistribution of wealth.

        Nearly all infrastructure in the country was built by government and is owned by government.

        The twin bridges were built on redistribution of wealth. Should they have been built? Should we take them down because obviously redistribution of wealth does not lift people up? Redistribution of wealth and income has never worked and is a net negative so by your logic we should take them down so the Evansville/Henderson economy will benefit.

        Every business in this country is hooked up to government water and sewer, and quasi government electricity and power and government provided egress/access roads, streets etc.

        Maybe we should stop all that since redistribution of wealth doesn’t work.

        Ohhh you say infrastructure is OK it the programs like welfare and food stamps that don’t work?

        So if LBJ’s war on poverty didn’t work then how did the poverty rate get cut in half in 10 years? Was it a coincidence.? As soon as we cut back on the programs the poverty rate climbed again. Another coincidence?

        And again why does every country on Earth have some sort of government poverty assistance.

        Are we all just collective stupid shits?

  6. Gordon Moore, then head of research at Fairchild Semiconductor, predicted that the number of semi-conductors that could fit on to a single computer chip would roughly double every year. Fifty years later, his prediction still holds true. Computing power doubles annually. This extraordinary, wealth-enhancing advance was driven not by starry eyed utopianism, but by the profit motive, the desire for improvement, and by viciously competitive commercial endeavour.

    Mr Moore was interviewed recently by the New York Times. In all respects he sounded a wise and decent man. Yet his most perceptive observation was perhaps a social one. There are two societies, he said, divided by education. The worry about the modern world is not the rise of the super rich, or its manifestation in the extraordinary prices being paid for art. Inequality doesn’t matter if most people are getting richer. What matters is that the world is fast dividing into those with skills, and those without them. Attacking and undermining wealth creation won’t address this problem, but likely only make it even worse.

    Gordon Moore describes himself as a California Republican which is pretty equivalent to a blue dog Democrat grounded in pragmatism and devoid of ideology. The same goes for most of the titans of Silicon Valley from the late 70’s through the end of the 90’s.

    • I forgot to mention that Gordon Moore is one of the founders of Intel. He started life modestly and is still modest, despite his status as one of the richest people in the world.

    • There is no doubt about that if you want the highest quality widgets made for the lowest price then capitalism is certainly the way to go. There is also no doubt about Mr. Moore’s contribution to society at large for which he has been handsomely rewarded, and rightfully so. Innovators like Mr. Moore do not defend the status quo, they challenge it, so it that sense he is very much a liberal.

      His political philosophy sounds fairly middle of the road.

      I still stand by my challenge to name a single conservative who has advanced the world in a social, economic, cultural or scientific way.

      • “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” is a conservative ideology not liberal.

  7. To quote Jefferson, “Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just”.

    • And by today’s ‘standards’ JFK would be a screaming, flaming conservative.

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