Daily Off Topic Forum June 6, 2015



    • That thundering in the distance, sounding for all the world like thousands of cloven hooves marching to the Huckabee guitar, could well be the Black Robe Regiment making its move. May Beck be with them as they strut into the abyss, assuring the martyrdom they so covet and saving America from marriages they don’t approve of.

  1. American Pharoh just won the Triple Crown. This is what America could be if obama wasn’t our detractor, our apolagist, our traitor.

      • Or an oatbag. The pilot seems to be saying America could be a horse. Should have never listened when Ken Haney talked him into switching the helium out for methane w/tert-Butylthiol.

    • Linking Obama to a horse race? Seriously? Now I’ve heard it all, a new low in conservative inanity and stupidity.

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