Daily Off Topic Forum June 5, 2015


IS IT TRUE Joe Wallace posted this comment yesterday?  … Joe posted the following comments about the $10 million dollars Sprts Complex at Gobble Baseball/Soccer Field Complex?  …another one you just can’t make up?  …there is a game clock on the baseball scoreboards at the new park but no place for balls and strikes? …who the heck puts a time clock on a baseball scoreboard and forgets to have an indicator for balls and strikes? …they must have outsourced this to someone who is fond of cricket or soccer because they knew nothing about baseball?  … base paths wrong, no balls, no strikes, and no outs, but a time clock there to make sure the game doesn’t run too long.?  …whatever firm was hired to design this must not have ever even been to a baseball game?

IS IT TRUE we would like to introduce you to Convention Board of Director who mastermind these plans for the $10 Sports Complex?  …they are:


  1. So, the residency ordinance was ruled in favor of Winnecke. It’s time to tally up how many faulty ordinances Scott Danks has been a part of and GET RID OF HIM!

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