Daily Off Topic Forum June 28, 2015



  1. Mike Huckabee is on the Sunday morning news shows this morning setting up a GOP political fight….AGAINST…….you guessed it, same-sex marriage.
    Smart politics? Of course not.
    Going to make a difference? Of course not. This is settled Constitutional law now.
    Does he maybe need to vent a while after losing on this issue. Perhaps.

    But why this an ignorant choice for a GOP candidate for President …..Some interesting political analysis stats from POLITICO:
    1. Prior to laws at SCOTUS, six out of 10 Republican voters opposed gay marriage.
    2. USA National polls show that between 54 and 57 percent of ALL Americans BEFORE the same-sex marriage became settled Constitutional law, backed same-sex marriage.
    3, Worrying and ominous for GOP candidates, 60 percent of young Republicans supported the court’s move.
    4. Even among WHITE EVANGELICAL Protestants, support for gay marriage has increased from 13 percent in 2001 to about 27 percent today, according to the Pew Research Center.

  2. I am a fiscal conservative but lean more toward libertarianism. I, for one, think we have far bigger fish to fry than who marries whom. It’s a colossal diversion. If you put things in perspective, this issue in peepee in the ocean.

  3. The issue is more than same sex marriage, when five lawyers can decree law to fifty states and the executive branch and rainbow warriors celebrate, the constitution no longer protects our liberties from the government. If five lawyers can decree law to the states, then they can also decree law to the church. So the issue is far more than pepe in the ocean.

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