Daily Off Topic Forum June 14, 2015



  1. “Science topic”… Looks like Nap time s over, time to go to work again. (Philae, the EU comet lander) Found a better angle of sunlight availability as it moves closer to the sun. Figured that would happen through solar system location as it moves forward, the question was whether or not the systems would sustain usability in the rather harsh conditions it was under while the batteries were down. Its great news that the reboot is likely going to be possible after all.
    “Cool stuff.”


  2. Homestead Tax Credit Grab II, release the Trial Balloons !

    Evansville newspaper editor ethridge, Sunday Morning 6/14 reports:

    1) Stan Wheeler, ERC member, went to the microphone at last Monday’s City Council meeting and asked ” a simple question: If City finances are in dire straits, why are looking to give up more revenue (by ‘give up more revenue’ he was referring to efforts to restore the Homestead Credit to the full 8 %) ?”;

    2) ethridge then chimes in that ” Maybe its because Wheeler isn’t running for any office, but he made the most sense”; then couldn’t help himself, and added ” If we’re approaching a financial crisis, then it’s time to take a first step rather than to waste time playing politics”.

    Oh, mr. ethridge, how could you ? Don’t you see . . . the ‘financial crisis’ is man-made. This administration can’t manage money (or really anything). They are a deceptive bunch, who brag they ‘spent less than the council’s approved budget’, without letting on that revenues came in far short of what they forecast. Careless spending causes depletion of cash reserves. They are even deceptive about the negative cash balances which have resulted , trying to pass it off as ‘business as it’s always been’ and the like. The advances received prior to the collection of property taxes each 6 months ? They’re not loans, we just prefer to collect our property taxes as we go instead of waiting . . .

    Citizens, wake up and smell the coffee, and not the Kool Aid; the answer to the ‘financial crisis’ is to STOP SPENDING SO MUCH FUCKING MONEY; as opposed to giving an administration who has no fiscal restraint even more money to fritter away, via the confiscatory removal of our Homestead Credit. Say HELL NO !

    • Taking away the homestead credit is no guarantee that the over the top spending will cease,– or even slow down, the only guarantee is that the people will have less in their pocket for food, clothing, shelter ,–what Ethridge probably views as the fluff stuff, that people waste their money on , instead of Hotels, Period lighting, dog parks and the like. Spend like there is no tomorrow Politicos,— the C&P supports you 100%!

    • They also ran a puff piece by Bob Warren blaming some scoreboard expert from North Carolina for the screwup with the softball scoreboards. Basically said they were state of the art but they’d be revisiting the issue in light of the public outcry. Warren should be fired, he is unnecessary. Too many highly paid ‘business promoter types’ running around here who are really incapable of doing much of anything.

  3. Or, option B, wake up and leave this dieing s–thole of a ‘city’ before the clownshow running this dump picks your pocket clean for the last penny you possess, only to piss it away on storage buildings to protect outdoor chairs, restoring craphole ‘historic’ buildings that clearly no one wants (thus, the reason they are abandoned….), dog parks, fairy tale hotels, etc. ad nauseam.

    • Short bus, or a twenty seat clown car? At least the at first stops the first row passengers are being clearly defined as time rolls forward. Man, you just can’t make that stuff happening there up……………

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