Daily Off Topic Forum August 30, 2015



  1. Regular unleaded gasoline in Beaver Dam, Ky area
    Regular unleaded gasoline in Evansville, In. area.
    Difference,— .67 cents/gal.

    • You think those prices are high? Go ahead. Approve the Keystone pipeline. It is designed to drain North America of it’s oil to ship to foreign markets. The oil glut (which is essentially what you are highlighting here Crash, it should filter down to lower gas prices to Indiana consumers) means prices are low, because of increased supply. To reduce that US supply, you have to start shipping the US oil to China. This is what the Keystone pipeline is for…and this is no conspiracy theory. Big oil rules. They want to drop the ban on US exports of US oil and ship it out of the country via the Keystone pipeline.

      • The plan is for energy independence, which can be achieved by utilizing our own resources.

      • DB, I’m a independent voter, that leans Conservative, but that’s no hindrance to knowing what is Right, or Wrong. Keystone will create jobs in the US and I am not opposed to that, and it will ship the Sovereign Country of Canada’s oil,– they can sell it to whomever,–that said, the Big Oil Companies in the US– ARE– lobbying to have the restriction( put in place when the OPEC oil embargo was used against the US) repealed,– to let them sell OUR Country’s Oil to overseas markets(selling to the highest bidders)— Americans be damned,–it’s Capitalism’s ugly face, in that the Big Boys will sell our asses into slavery for a buck. I write my Representatives on various issues all the time, and have voiced my opposition to the Oil Companies wanting to change the current law on export of AMERICA’S Oil resources.

        • In all realty it’s all about to be moot–as Obama and the Democrats are about to “SELL” all of our asses down the River with the Iran Appeasement Plan,–just 3 more Senate Democrat votes need to make it happen.

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