Daily Off Topic Forum August 25, 2015



  1. Donald Trump is doing the unthinkable to the Republican Party. Generating so many dedicated fans and followers.
    And he is better at it than anyone could have ever imagined.

    Trump is bringing the crazies up from the basement and sitting them out in the front yard in lawn chairs! It is pure Jerry Springer. Microphone in hand, Trump is bringing to the pure sunlight all of the proud-to-be, stand-right-here, full-of-purpose racists and immigrant-hating paranoid people who finally get to wear their badges of suspicion proudly on their chest.

    And these people? They are proud of themselves now! No more hiding! No more quiet and staying in the back of the room! At this point, these people WILL NOT tolerate ANY GOP candidate who will not put their badge on his chest too.

    And when Trump falls down and can’t win the GOP nomination, these people are gonna go third party (or stay home). They won’t believe a thing the eventual GOP nominee says. “We had our guy. And this new guy? He ain’t it.”

    These are the things that make Rance Priebus, chairman of the Republican Party, go insane. And they are the same things that make James Carville say everyday, “I love Donald Trump. Love him!! We need more Donald Trump.”

  2. Trump is simply saying what needs to be said. He has been pronounced ‘dead’ more than a few times. My advice? Beware the dead cat bounce.

  3. The fact that the democrats are running a completely corrupt politician and a socialist tells us everything we need to know about the democrat party.

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