Curt John Explains the Tax on Maingate Receipt


Curt John, Maingate Investor

The County Observer has learned that the pricing policy of the Maingate Bar according to investor and former City Council member Curt John is as follows:

1. All food orders are taxed at 8% on top of the order amount. For example, if one had a food order of $10 there would be $0.80 of state sales tax added to the order.

2. Drinks are conveniently priced to include tax so if you ordered 8 beers for $3 each your tab of $24 would include $22.22 for the 8 beers and $1.78 for state sales taxes.

Given that pricing policy the $6.74 in taxes that were on the receipt from the there must have been $84.25 of the bill that was food related with the balance all for alcohol.


  1. Sorry, someone is telling a LIE ! Using the premise that the $ 6.74 of tax was all Food, then that leaves $ 127.75 of the total $ 212.00 bill as being for Booze (tax included). The earlier article said there were 33 beers, and especially including tax they are all > $ 4.00 a pop, which would be $ 132.00 for just beer. Then there’s another 13 well drinks, and those dudes go at least $ 6.00 a pop or more, another $ 78 unaccounted for. Also, no tip !! This doesn’t add up.

    If Curt defended the tax amount of $ 6.74, isn’t the other question why the receipt provided doesn’t show any food ?

  2. Perhaps the bar is not paying the state the sales tax it is collecting. One thing Mr. Johns will not have to worry about is collecting a penny of my hard earned money. I will NOT be going to the Main Gate. And I’m telling everybody I know not to go there too. I’m guessing the reason the tax amount doesn’t add up is because the bill has been tampered with. My big question is this. If the council members were truly worried about the public welfare there would have been a breath test awaiting Mr. Lindsey when he got back to his fire station. There wasn’t. They waited several days to make an allegation when they could not take a breath test or a blood sample from Mr. Lindsey. Therefore this stinks to high heaven. The allegation is baseless.

  3. OK. I looked at the receipt. Here are the FOOD items on the receipt that would be charged “sales tax” (if the amount of sales tax is indeed represented in the price of the drinks).
    1. 16 IN Meat Supr = $39.90
    2. Chips + Cheese = $11.85
    3. Go -> Chips + Cheese = $3.95
    TOTAL = $55.70
    Sales tax printed on the receipt = $6.74.
    $6.74 = 12.10% of $55.70.
    Question for Mr. Johns: Do we have 12% sales tax or food and beverage tax in Indiana? I don’t think so!

    • Somebody musta drank a guttload of soft drinks then, because I bet the soda pop (whether vended as a stand-alone drink or a chaser for shots) also gets the 8% tax upcharge.

  4. I may be a little out of date, but at one time it was ILLEGAL sell a product at gross, including the sales tax in the cost of the item.

    To my knowledge, the ONLY exceptions to this policy were for construction contractors’s purchase and sale of products and gasoline products.

    But then, I am not a lawyer and Curt John is not an accountant.

    Bring on the Indiana Department of Revenue.

    • In a food & beverage industry you may have your tax inclusive in your sales amount. Your still paying sales tax.
      On a $10 receipt with all alcohol 70 cents goes to retail sales tax and 10 cents goes to food and beverage tax which leaves $9.20 for your alcohol. Just saying. But, the math still does not add up at all on this ticket. Also I know pos systems very well and if they wanted the exact tab from that night it would have the right date and the time the tab was closed out on it, not several days later.

  5. Curt got B.J. “up to speed” on the city council fairly quickly. The problem with B.J. was how one views public service. That runs a little deeper than getting up to speed on the mechanics of the system.


  6. If it smells like a rotten fish, it usually is…….something is wrong with this WHOLE picture! There is NO transparency. Perhaps, Mr. Lindsey should NOT have been there, but this whole thing stinks. Sounds to me like many of the “party” should not have been drinking and consuming that much alcohol, then DRIVING anywhere!But no one was tested, so it just sounds like poor judgement all the way around. This being said……it really sounds to me like a BIG set-up. The whole fire merit board, as well as the police, is a big joke in this community. Suspension, may be appropriate, but not being fired.Curt John…..shame on you. I have been to Maingate a couple of times, and a lot of the crowd was out of control. (At least people can walk to the FORD Center, where they can consume more alcohol!)Some staff, that seemed to have sense, are no longer there, and some still there, seem clueless. Does not seem to be a well run operation. Personal judgement is at the core here and no one seems to have exhibited very much of it……but everyone deserves a second chance and Mr. Lindsey should get his….probably someone’s son needs a promotion. Sorry…..that is the way this community operates.

  7. The IRS should have a look at everything Curt John is involved in. We KNOW that’s your epitome of a shady business owner.

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