I have chosen not to join the Mayor and his entourage on their trip to our sister city in Germany. I call this trip an insult to the taxpayers of Evansville. In these tough economic times it shows how out of touch this administration is with the very people that they were elected to represent. I question how an administration that cannot balance their books (even after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on outside accounting firms) could know if the city has the money to even pay for this trip. How many feet of sidewalks, sewers, roads or waterlines could we fix or install for the money spent on this trip. Life is about priorities and mine is to serve the people who elected me and not to serve myself.
Thank you,
Al Lindsey 6th Ward City Councilman
Just contracted a city official and she comfirmed that the money to take this trip is in the Evansville 2013 City Council budget.
Why in the world did John Friend support this trip on our dine? I was really getting to believe in him as the taxpayer friend and now he does this.
Thanks Al for looking after the interest of the taxpayers.
I keep sayin Little Al is smarter than he looks
Thank You Al Lindsey!!
when is this trip, and who is going? Outrageous. Thanks Al.
Shame on you John Friend and Stepanie Brinkerhoff Rlley for trying to sneak this trip past the taxpayers.
Hats off to city councilman Al Lindsey for exposing this tax payer junket.
Wonder how much money did Friend and Brinkerhoff Riley put in the 2013 budget to fund this sight seeing trip?
Waiting for remaining city council members to make a public statement concerning this tax funded junket!
Brinkerhoff Riley voted against he budget
As a major fan of Councilman John Friend, I’m sorry to say how disappointed I am of him.
Thanks Al Lindsey for doing the right thing on behalf of the tax payers.
Can you please tell us how much money did city council put in 2013 budget to fund this so called business trip?
Thank You Councilman Lindsey! Great to see a REAL “Man of the People” in OUR government for a change!
The “Elitest” approach to Leadership in Evansville Government is getting more than tiresome,—IT IS OUTRAGEOUS! Literally spitting in the Face of the Citizenery with crap like this, warrents getting out the Tar and Feathers! Disgusting!
I can’t afford all of the “First Lady’s” field trips. Maybe Carol will at least bring me a souvenir back?
Oorah Al! I thought no one on council was going to call this junket what it really is: a taxpayer paid vacation.
Of course the local yellow rag should have been all over this, but it is what it is: pathetic.
Thanks for standing up for taxpayers Councilman Lindsey.
Kudos to Mr. Lindsey.
In response to misinformation that is circulating regarding the City of Evansville’s upcoming sister city visit, I would like to provide a few insights.
The Mayor’s Office is coordinating a visit to Osnabruck, Germany on May 8th – 13th. Marianne Cox is the official contact in our office, who is handling communication and logistics in coordination with the office of Mayor Pistorius of Osnabruck. The delegation is still being formed and will include a combination of business, economic development and community leaders, similar to past trips. Since the start of our sister city relationship, each Mayor has visited Osnabruck at least once, including the last visit in May of 2011.
Although funds were approved in the 2013 budget for both the Mayor and City Council to participate in sister city trips/events in 2013, Mayor Winnecke has always planned to personally cover all of his travel costs (1/3 of the cost has already been personally paid) and not rely on city funds.
It should be noted that Mayor Winnecke felt strongly enough about the importance of our sister city program to use personal time and funds to continue improving the City’s relationship with Osnabruck. Clearly, it is an opportunity to strengthen our economic and cultural ties, given the strong German heritage in our community.
On the front end of the trip to Osnabruck, Mayor Winnecke and his wife are taking a personal vacation and Ambassador Travel has assisted with travel arrangements. At no cost to the City, the Mayor’s wife has graciously worked with Ambassador Travel to develop a travel package that is open to anyone participating in the sister city trip. I know that Carol has reached out to numerous elected officials and the feedback has been positive.
If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact the Mayor’s Office at 812-436-4967.
Steve Schaefer
Chief of Staff
Office of Mayor Lloyd Winnecke
I feel so much better.—NOT! But I will say, as Chief of the Mayor’s propagana outreach, you seem very eloquent, even when spouting DRIVEL!
I expect the Entourage will give you an “atta Boy” at the very least.
As far as the Past Practice excuse? We use to use Outhouses,– but most of us have “moved” beyond past practice. (pun intended).
Oh, and since your “in the Know” Mr Schaefer, I’m sure it was just an oversight on your part to not include: JUST HOW MUCH IT’S GOING TO COST THE PUBLIC TREASURY TO FINANCE THIS JUNKET TO GERMANY.
At least you did not use the words “think” and “Mayor” in the same sentence. Feeling a spending decision is par for the course with this guy.
” Since the start of our sister city relationship, each Mayor has visited Osnabruck at least once, including the last visit in May of 2011.” (Steve Schaefer)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Obviously these past trips have paid big dividends on the “economic development” side for the city of Evansville. Tongue firmly in cheek.
BTW, is “travel costs” the same as total costs Mr. Schaefer? What precisely, if anything, is the taxpayer paying for on this trip?
Que the cricket sounds.
Is this the same Steve Schaefer that once worked for the area Chamber? Is this the same guy who pushed to write a $200,000 check to the the “EARTHCARE” group?
If this is the same guy, who cares what he says because it is obvious he is an idiot!
Looks like 6th Ward City Councilmen, Al Lindsey is the only one to stand up and speak against taxpayers dollars being wasted on political junkets.
I’m ashamed of Friend, Steph Riley, Weaver, O’Daniel, Robinson, Dr. Adams and of course the brain trust of city council, Mosby for considering to go on this worthless trip.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but I am not going and had in intention of going. I jts di not think my decision merited a public trumpet. Dan
I wonder how many other council members
feel the same way. Glad you don’t feel the need
to run to the cco every time you make a decision.
I’m personally glad to hear that at least a few of our representatives have the good sense to hop off of this bus and CCO is gonna be the only place we hear it. I think the CCO should conduct a poll of the elected officials so we can know exactly who is wasting our tax dollars.
Merited a public trumpet? I guess you would rather non of these council members have said anything and it would have been just another middle finger to the taxpayers shoved under the rug. Al has courage taking on the mayor and his glorious first lady. You could learn a few things from him.
After reading the Mayors Chief of Staff post I want to say loud and clear–three cheers to Councilmen, Al Lindsey.
Did the Mayor’s Chief of Staff say Ambassador Travel is in charge of making arrangement for this trip?
Well-well-well the plot is getting more interesting. Doesn’t 1st Ward City Councilmen, Dan McGinn wife work for this travel agency? Is she responible for the arrangements for this political junket? Are the McGinns going on this junket? If so, who shall paid for their travel expenses?
Mr. Lindsey would you send me the official e-mail that the First Lady of Evansville, Carol McClintock sent to all city council members and others.
I would like to see the e-mail list of everyone see invited on this political junket.
No wonder certain political people tryed to cause you problems. Those days are now offically are over. Now it’s time for the Teaparty of Vanderburgh County take these people to task in your behalf.
Job well done Mr. Lindsey and thanks for looking after the taxpayers of this community.
Can you believe that vote that Bruce Ungenthiem is getting in the CCO political poll?
Can’t wait tell election day come so we can get rid of the self serving Marsha Abell.
Bruce Ungenthiem for the next County Commissioner.
Just want to say thank you. I believe it’s 1 year down, this & 2 more to go. Please keep up the good work.
Great job, Al! I say, AL LINDSEY FOR MAYOR! John Friend is nobody’s buddy. What a joke.
Wow. This little town is such a model for how the whole world is going.
The class warfare is enlightening.
Are we electing servants or royalty?
Either on, just let us know.
“or” sorry.
Sorry, but it just comes down to appearance . Doesn’t it?
The economy is in the toilet and these “beautiful people” take off for Germany?
Been here since 1985 and it does not sit right.
Why not open it up to all?
Anyone that can foot the bill is welcome?
I bet this whole trip is being funded with an advance on the projected savings from the Johnson Controls meter reading system!
Did I miss something, or do we STILL not know how much this trip is going to cost taxpayers? I’m happy to do my own research, what line item in the City budget would this fall under?
Are there ANY quantifiable benefits from past trips that can be pointed to? If so, I would be interested in reading about them.
I’m not against overseas trips per se, but public dollars spent should = a quantifiable (or at least qualitative) benefit for those dollars.
As best that we can read the 2013 City of Evansville budget includes $4,000 in travel for the City Council and $5,000 for the Mayor. They can allocate as they see fit.
From a web search it appears that some cities are making some good economic things happen. The link below has a good article about some of the better and most effective SS programs. The question remains as to whether all of the visits made by Evansville officials has actually resulted in anything but a well fed Bergermeister. We do invite local success stories from those who have traveled on this missions.
Thanks for the legwork and the links, editor. $9,000 in a $220 + million budget is trivial, not even a rounding error. That said, it would be nice to find some type of tangible benefits to these trips. My suspicion is they have BEEN no concrete benefits to date, or present and past administrations would be trumpeting them. That’s not to say there won’t be benefits in the future.
I appreciate Mr. Lindsey’s stand on this matter nontheless.
Al, you are a man of integrity. You have shown that you are not a yes man and can think for yourself and for the residents of Evansville. Thank you for taking such a strong stand.
Mr Lindsay deserves the same kudos I gave Ms. Riley. Good decision. Sound reasoning.
Thank you Al Lindsey and Doc Adams for thinking about us taxpayers! Nice to know somebody is thinking of us!
Maybe it would serve Councilmembers Lindsey and Riley to read their emails more thoroughly before rush to criticize. According to a C&P article Connie Robinson sent the council members an email in December detailing the mayors intention to pay his own way to Germany.
Thank goodness at least one person here isn’t carrying a pitchfork or torch. Sounds like Al just wanted to fan some flames and y’all fell for it. Now everyone else go write CANCEL on the check you already wrote for Al’s 2014 mayorial campaign.
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