During the last Council meeting, two weeks ago, the Administration indicated that ALL bank reconciliations are now complete, and, as reported, the unreconciled difference is approximately $4,200 + out of balance.
So, the council’s consultant needs these bank reconcilations, TODAY…Please email to me, I will be expecting them. This also includes the Utility Department and the DMD arena fund.
This e-mail was sent to City-CountyObserver by Councilman John Friend. We posted this without opinion, editing or bias.
The city attny. stamped it”confidential”. What a joke, charge the lot of them with obstruction of justice.
I bet on John Friend to correct the mess that Russ has got the city in.
Don’t let the Administration put you political bind Mr.Friend.
Remind Russ Llloyd, Jr. about his role in Earthcare.
The Easternen Diamondback will eventually strike at other rattlers in the den ,,, we have at least 6 rattlers that will be striking at others at our next city council meeting ,,, call it what you want , I call em slimy slithering sneaky snakes
Get ready for major political fire works at coming this Monday night Council meeting. Weaver and Lloyd, Jr. better get ready to defend their statements in today Courier they made against Friend and Garrett.
The Civic Center employees are in totally support of Mr. Friend’s effort to force accountability in city government.
History repeats itself. First Weaver, Missy Mosby and the Mayor tryed to sit up Councilmen Al Lindsey. Now it looks like they are trying to do the same to Friend and Garrett.
This paragraph was taken down becuase it was off message.
Can’t wait tell Mondays city council meeting.
If anyone is doing anything to Friend and Garrett, they are doing it to themselves.
Taken down by Editor because the remarks were insulting and off meaasage.
Removed by Editor remarks were insulting and off message.
Sane taxpayer…cco mole, CCO reader, honest government and who knows how many other names you post under! You know who I am and I know who you are…. Shame on YOU!
Taken down by Editor because remarks were insulting and off message.
Get your facts straight. It was Whinezapfel’s city controller, Jenny Collins who let the accounts go out of balance. And she is still on the payroll at more than $80,000 per year. Why not demand her removal before she becomes eligible for a government pension?
Exactly right, the problem originated in and was hidden by the Weinzapfel regime. Why Mayor Winnecke didn’t request a State audit, no one knows.
Since it was the City Council at the behest of its Finance Chairman who hired Garrett, shouldn’t Friend get those reconciliations from him?
Pogo , if you knew Mr Weaver you would know the truth . I am a sane taxpayer and did not trust weaver a bit when he was accessor , and I still think he is a bit dirty
I have dealt with Weaver. I know what to expect from him. It is not good. I was one of the most disappointed voters in Evansville when he was elected.
You are no taxpayer’s friend, John Friend. You are THE PROBLEM NOT THE SOLUTION!
You cannot serve as finance chair for the city council – the body that approves the budgets – and allow the city council to vote on a budget when YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE IN THE BANK!!!!!!!
Friend ought to resign his post. He’s a disgrace.
John Friend is a good guy and means well. But when things do not go smoothly, he gets very excited and does not think in a calm rational manner.
Councilman John Friend “Demands” Bank Reconciliations From Russ Lloyd Jr. I am sure ,he will receive them when they are properly/correctly done. Everybody needs to step back and take a deep breath.
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