The City County Observer was in the house today in Marshall County, Kentucky when Evansville City Councilman and the Chairman of the Financed Committee faced authorities for three charges made against him by local water enforcement.
Two of the charges were dropped by the judge and Councilman Friend was fined $150 for the infraction of driving a boat under the influence of alcohol.
When asked about why Councilman Friend was jailed the Assistant Marshall County Attorney, Jason F. Darnall told the CCO  that  “jailing is optional and the arresting officers made that call themselves”. He made no further elaboration about the incident.
Next subject.
Next to nothing issue. Who doesn’t drink a little while boating.
I could had been in the same situation that Mr. Friend was in but just didn’t get caught.
When the Chairman of the City Council Finance Committee is arrested for being drunk it is not a nothing issue. The voters will hold him accountable.
Where do you live…Oxford, Mississippi? That’s the only town I know of where the cops patrol the town all night long to find men and women who have had one beer too many.
Mr Friend “evidently” made a horrible decision.
Everyone drowning on his boat in the storm would have been “evidently” much more preferable.
What in the hell is wrong with all of you “perfect” people out there?
Don’t tell me, I’ve got it! PERFECTION.
I’ll never forget the last “PERFECT” person I saw on the news.
That was Jimmy Swaggart.
But that was a long, long time ago.
Two, … only two, … have achieved perfection.
Jesus Christ, and that guy my wife should have married. …
Remember that the only person who should be embarrassed from this was the arresting officer? That’s what he told 14 the night after this came out. Well Mr. Friend, this was very embarrassing to you and you’ve lost a lot of credibility over this!
I’m not a big fan of Mr. Friend but I shall give him a pass on this one.
About two years ago I went through the same thing.
This same thing can happen to 90% of people who boat.
Next story please.
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