Home State News Consumer Alert: Products Recalled In August And September

Consumer Alert: Products Recalled In August And September

State of Indiana Attorney General - News Release

Consumer alert: Products recalled in August and September

Attorney General Todd Rokita is encouraging all Hoosiers who purchased consumer products that were recalled in August and September to take advantage of the remedies available to them.

“Hoosiers should be able to receive a full refund or have the option to exchange a defective product for one that works.” Attorney General Rokita said. “If you purchased a faulty good or item in August or September that does not work as advertised, then you should immediately see what forms of reimbursement the company that sold or manufactured the product is offering.”

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the following consumer products were recalled in August and September:

If you believe you recently purchased a recalled product, stop using it, and check its recall notice (linked above for all aforementioned products). Then follow the notice’s instructions, including where to return the product, how to get the product fixed, how to dispose of the product, how to receive a refund for the product, or what steps must be taken to receive a replacement product.

To view recalls issued prior to August and September, visit the Consumer Protection Safety Commission website.