Congressman Larry Bucshon: The Senate Must Act


(Evansville, IN) – Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-08) released the following comment in regards to the U.S. Senate’s inaction to prevent the “fiscal cliff” from occurring.
Congressman Bucshon (IN-08) states:

“While the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives has acted on two separate occasions to prevent massive tax increases and across the board spending cuts from taking effect on January 1st, the U.S. Senate continues playing politics and holding ransom the financial future of hardworking Americans. The U.S. Senate should take immediate action on the House passed bills.

“As the U.S. Constitution states, all bills raising revenues must originate in the U.S. House. The current bill passed by the U.S. Senate does not meet the constitutional requirement and has not left their chamber. Sen. Harry Reid‘s call for the U.S. House to vote on their bill is political grandstanding and a disingenuous attempt to mislead the American people. The only course of action for the Senate to take is to act on the House passed bills.

“I, like my House colleagues, stand ready to take action once the Senate ends the political theater, adheres to the Constitution, and passes or amends the House legislation to prevent tax increases on middle class Americans and small businesses.”


  1. Well, here we are again…this is the 28th day of December, and, the IRS does NOT know what program to use. Will we have the Alt Min Tax patch in play, what rates to publish, what should the small businesses do to invest in their business. And, by the way, any businesses with over 50 employees, you may wish to pass out the pink slips before the clock turn mid-night…remember the Obamacare law…those under 50, do NOT have to adhere to this crazy law…for those who are on medical devises, you need to buy before mid-night or pay the national sales tax on the devise…not much time, don’t decide to party on December 31st, you have a lot to do!!

  2. Well, bend over Libs, it’s time to pay for that BIG DADDY Government you want,and your kissing up to that dastardly Bush’s Tax cuts, is illogical, given Your embracing of the Obama “Mantra”,–that,–“It’s all Bush’s fault”!

  3. I love hearing a guy who voted for the Patriot Act extension talk about “The Constitution”.

    Fascinating stuff.

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