Home Breaking News Congressman Bucshon Prefers Washington to Indiana’s 8th District

Congressman Bucshon Prefers Washington to Indiana’s 8th District


Dr. Richard Moss Criticizes Bucshon’s Move To DC

 Dr. Richard Moss, candidate for Congress, wonders if anyone knows the whereabouts of Congressman Larry Bucshon?

“Where’s Larry?” Dr. Moss asked Republicans recently in Clay County.  “Has anyone seen Larry?”

“It didn’t take Larry long to become a typical DC politician.  He’s even taken a page out of the Evan Baye, Richard Lugar playbook by moving his family to Washington.  He doesn’t even live in the area he represents.  Larry prefers to be with Washington insiders then do what the voters of Indiana sent him to do.  Hoosiers voted Baye and Lugar out for becoming typical Beltway politicians and they ought to do the same to Larry.  We have to help President Trump drain the swamp beginning right here in Indiana’s 8th district.”

“When a politician moves to Washington it says something about his priorities.  It means he sees the world through the prism of DC, through the eyes of the lobbyists, consultants, and special interests that inhabit DC.  In other words, through the eyes of the swamp creatures that run the nation’s capitol.  Larry doesn’t want to drain the swamp, he’s part of the swamp.”

“Every year Washington DC spends $4 trillion or roughly the equivalent of the economy of Japan, the third largest economy in the world.   With all that money being spent in one place, it’s no wonder Washington is so corrupt and filled with lobbyists.  We need to break the power of Washington and give it back to the states, to communities, and to the people.  When a politician moves to that corrupt city instead of staying in his home district, he is saying that he supports the corrupt ways of Washington and wants to become part of it.  It’s not a good sign, and it’s not what we need for Indiana.”

“We want a leader who will stand up and do what’s right for Indiana and the country every time even if it means going against his own party.  We need someone who will help drain the swamp not become part of it.”

Dr. Richard Moss is a board certified head and neck cancer surgeon and was a candidate for Congress in 2016. He graduated from the Indiana University School of Medicine and has been in practice in Jasper and Washington, IN for over 20 years. He is married with four children.  

FOOTnote: For more information visit RMoss4Congress.com. Contact us at hq@rmoss4congress.com. Find Moss For Congress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.