Congressman Brad Ellsworth Responds to Editor on New Health Care Reform Law


Thank you for contacting me with your views on the new health care reform law. I appreciate your comments, and I welcome this opportunity to share my thoughts.

I voted for the final health care reform package because I was confident Hoosiers want their leaders to start fixing what is broken in our health care system. This bill was far from perfect, but it will make real improvements over the status quo for Hoosiers. Health insurers will no longer be able to refuse access to insurance to the 109,000 uninsured Hoosiers with pre-existing conditions. Small businesses providing health insurance will receive tax credits to make that coverage more affordable. Seniors who get caught in the Medicare Part D donut hole will see that coverage gap shrink every year and close for good in 2020. Young adults trying to find a job with health benefits can stay on their parents insurance plans until their 26th birthday. The final reform bill also makes some of the big reforms that Hoosiers have called for. It guarantees Americans access to the exact same coverage I get as a Member of Congress. It begins reforming Medicare and Medicaid to start rewarding doctors and hospitals who deliver quality, efficient care that improves their patients’ health. It also makes insurance companies compete across state lines–opening up the power of competition to bring down premiums.

I understand you support repealing the new health care reform law, but I think these new consumer protections and tax breaks are too important for too many Hoosier families and businesses. Beyond my personal opinion, while the debate over health care reform got very heated at times, the American people have indicated in recent months that they oppose repeal of this new law. One example from a recent poll indicated 61% say “the nation should wait and see how the health-care legislation works or leave it alone”, with only 37% advocating for repeal. I support this approach: If one piece doesn’t work, then Congress should repeal that piece. If a piece works, keep it in place. I still believe the new law is not perfect, and I am always happy to discuss ways to improve it. But I believe it’s simply premature to repeal this new law before we have an opportunity to see how each part works for Hoosiers.

Thanks again for taking the time to share your views with me. If you would like to learn more about my positions on issues important to you or receive regular updates on developments in Congress, please visit my Online Office at and sign up for my e-newsletter.


Brad Ellsworth


  1. What polls do Ellsworth read? First of all I doubt he wrote the above letter. He just approved it as done by one of his writers. The letter starts off with the standard thank you on all of his letters. Another canned letter.
    If he really knew what was going on he really not have quoted the mistaken incorrect polls numbers. It must have been a poll number issued by the Whitehouse.

  2. Where did he get those stats? The only people who want this healthcare is the 15% that don’t want to work to get healthcare. Wow he has lost it. Can’t wait till he is gone in November. REMEMBER TO VOTE.

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