Concerns Grow Over Facebook Data Leak

Many across the Evansville are concerned over the massive Facebook data leak scandal.

Improper use of 87 million people’s personal data by Cambridge Analytica was released.

People say they are scared and have concerns, despite many of us posting so freely, some say Facebook should change some things and revert to settings it used in the past.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg defended his business model to the U.S. Senate on Tuesday and to the house on Wednesday.

That’s got many wondering if Zuckerberg will change the security of his brainchild which has become a social media juggernaut or the way the free platform operates.

Younger generations are using social media more often than ever and they have concerns of their own. Like Signature School freshman Michael Keith,
“I personally use Facebook, a lot of my friends use Facebook, I know that more kids use Facebook, I’m friends with more kids than adults, so it’s kind of scary that some kids could have that thing happen to them.”

He went on to say, “Use the college emails again, now you can just use your parents email or something like that and I think they should make maybe passwords more secure, like maybe use specific characters in the password.”

Elisa Pike of the U.S. Air Force said, “We put our information out there so freely, and nobody ever reads the user agreements so that’s probably in there so I don’t know.”

Chris Mastrobuono

News Reporter/ Weather Forecaster