Comprehensive Mental Health Legislation Passes House Floor 

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passedH.R. 2646, the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act, a comprehensive overhaul of the nation’s mental health treatment system.

Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. released the following statement after voting to pass H.R. 2646:

“Our mental health system is broken and ineffective. Patients and their families are being left behind as they struggle to find help,” said Bucshon. “Every American deserves the opportunity to live out his life and pursue his potential with hope and dignity. This landmark legislation helps make sure that patients with mental illness have access to the treatment they need when they need it.  It reforms the delivery of care by focusing on evidence-based treatment and retailoring mental health programs and resources. As a physician, I’m proud of our work to pass this well-crafted legislation that will bring relief to families and will continue my work to make sure every American has access to quality, affordable healthcare.” 

H.R. 2646 previously passed unanimously out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in June with the support of Bucshon.


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