CLE, Fee Violations Lead To Suspension Of 144 Attorneys


IL Staff for

Nearly 145 attorneys have been suspended from the practice of law in Indiana, including national and international practitioners after they failed to either pay annual fees and/or comply with continuing legal education requirements or submit Interest on Lawyer Trust Account certifications.

On Tuesday, the Indiana Supreme Court suspended 144 attorneys for failure to comply with Indiana Admission and Discipline Rule 2, regarding annual registration fees, Rule 2(f), regarding IOLTA certification, and Rule 29 sections 3 or 10, regarding annual CLE requirements.

Among the attorneys suspended, 81 are based in Indiana and 63 are from other states, while one is from Canada. Marion County, the state’s largest, saw 25 attorneys suspended, while the greatest number of out-of-state attorneys suspended are from Illinois.

For the purpose of reinstatement procedures, the order states that suspensions will go into effect immediately. But the proscription against the actual practice of law will not go into effect until 12:01 a.m. on June 28. That will allow for copies of the order to be sent, received and acted upon by suspended attorneys. Those who wish to be reinstated must comply with the applicable reinstatement procedures, Admission and Discipline Rules 2(h) and 29, section 10(b).
Some names of attorneys that were granted extensions of time from the Indiana Office of Admissions and Continuing Education in order to comply with the CLE rules do appear on the list.