City Settles Civil Suit Filed Against EPD


City Settles Civil Suit Filed Against EPD

An Evansville man was set to face a jury trial in his case with the Evansville Police Department. This all started in 2015 when Evansville police saw 55-year-old Doug Schlop speeding.

Scholp says when he got home the officers pulled into his driveway and forced their way into his garage. Scholp says that’s when he was attacked and beaten and even tased.

He was charged with resisting law enforcement but he was acquitted after the police body camera video was released. He was set to take EPD to trial back in March after officers denied any wrongdoing in the case.

Now, the EPD and its officers involved have agreed to have a judgment entered against them.

In a statement, EPD said in part “On March 7, 2018, the City of Evansville resolved a lawsuit filed by Douglas Schlop, in which he made various legal claims against two EPD officers and the City. The City and its officers denied all claims of wrongdoing. However, the city used a rule of procedure to resolve the matter for an amount paid by the city’s insurance company. As a result, the case was resolved by agreement of the parties and an agreed order.”

