City hosts public meetings about trash and recycling pick-up services


Click Here to View the Trash & Recycling Pick-up Service News Release


    Trash belongs in the alley, not in front of our homes.
    Curbside trash pickup? Tens of thousands of us don’t even have sidewalks. Where will the trash bins sit? In the already narrow street?
    Many of the good citizens of this City struggle to go forth and back to their alleyway cans with a trash bag, much less move a 48 or 96 gallon trash bin from the alley to the front curb and back. Or are the bins supposed to adorn otherwise carefully groomed, well maintained front lawns? What about overturned bins and spilled garbage that is SURE to be blowing down city streets after automated trash collection machines TRY to do a good job?

    What would become of our alleyways? If it were not for the trash trucks making their way down them once a week, they would degenerate into overgrown, trash ridden no-man’s lands, ideal for critters, crooks and other malfactors.

    We have problems, that’s for sure. Trash pickup methods is not even on the list. This town has critical combined sewer system problems that MUST come BEFORE fancy trash trucks and bins, wireless water meters, or any other discretionary “feel good” (campaign fund enhancing) projects.

    How much would this cost, and why? How much will this increase our already ridiculously high and SURE TO INCREASE EXPONENTIALLY water/sewer/trash pickup bills?

    JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! … Many good folks make their living carefully tending to our refuse collection issues. This initiative is SURE cost workers their incomes and the City their tax and consumer revenues.

    We HAVE been down this road. …and please spare us the “public input” ruse. I don’t care which other Cities are doing this. Leadership MUST change course and BEGIN to take managing THIS City seriously. We need thoughtful, honest and intelligent leadership, not “play along followers.”

    Put simply, … No! …

    • That’s how we do it in Owensboro with standardized mini-dumpster carts curbside in residential neighborhoods. We’ve done it for years and it looks to me like it works just fine. Why not ask around in Owensboro before doing the Chicken Little dance and hollering “the sky is falling, the sky is falling!”

      • I admire the way you do things in Owensboro. Your leadership, City planning, public participation and transparency are enviable.
        Evansville is not Owensboro. Every time I learn of things you are doing, I’m jealous.

        Here in Evansville, the sky done fell. …

  2. bubbageek, I’d like to hear the positions of City Council members Dan McGinn, John Friend and Al Lindsey on this important issue. They have been the Council members most consistently representing our taxpayers interests over the past several months.

  3. Sometime during the Weinzapfel adminsitration, something akin to this proposal was made. It was rejected because it was determined that it wouldn’t work and that it was too expensive.

    What has changed? Has the price gone down? Have collection methods become more efficient?

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