City County Observer passes Indianapolis Star and Louisville Courier Journal in Reader Online Minutes

3 pure visits places CCO ahead of for first time

The tabulations for monthly internet traffic published through August 6th by have propelled the City County Observer past the Indianapolis Star and the Louisville Courier Journal for time online when’s one month time online per visitor is combined with it to form a product indicating pure time online.

The City County Observer leads these media sites with a product of 10.4 Million, followed by with 7.7 Million, the Louisville Courier Journal with 3.6 Million, and the Evansville Courier Press with a respectable 3.2 Million.’s one month trailing time per visitor ranks that City County Observer at an eye popping 77.59 minutes with the Evansville Courier Press at 6.50 minutes, the Louisville Courier Journal at 3.62 minutes per visitor, and the the Indianapolis Star’s site captivating its visitors for 4.22 minutes each. reports that the City County Observer now is attracting visits at a rate of 133,700 per month while the Courier Press, the Courier Journal, and the Indianapolis Star websites come in at 494,000, 985,200, an 1,827,700 respectively.



  1. Don’t forget to factor in the slow internet . . . when I (finally) arrive at CCO I never leave, takes too long to get back !

    • Well we had to go from a shared server to a dedicated server in January when an explosive growth spurt hit. We may have to upgrade to an array of servers the way the last couple of weeks have gone. What were our best days in June are disappointments now. It would be easy to chalk this up to luck. It is not luck, it is planning, strategic timing, and execution that has driven the traffic up so far. We even have a few more surprises coming in the last third of the year to amp things up even higher. Thanks for the readership.

  2. CCO: not disparaging “the system” on your end. The slow internet is a result of those overweight electrons trying to squeeze through the wire.

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