City-County Observer Files Freedom of Information Act Request with Sheriff’s Department


Today after 3:00 City-County Observer filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Department. In our request we asked the sheriff’s department to disclose information to us involving former Sheriff’s Deputy Stuart Mosby. We also requested that Sheriff Williams provide us with any other information pertinent to former Sheriff’s Department employee Mosby. We also requested any information as to whether or not the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Merit Board was asked for their input and decision on the matter of reducing Mr. Mosby’s rank. Lastly, we asked Sheriff Williams if any aspect of the case was given to Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann for his input and recommendation pertaining to this issue.

We look forward to receiving a hasty response pertaining to this matter and look forward to sharing this information provided by Sheriff Williams with you, our readers.


  1. Good luck with that. That’s the paper equivalent of throwing a roofing hatchet at two armed deputies, don’t you?

  2. Did we move ? there’s no freedom of information in Evansville. It’s been stamped “confidential”.

    • Former deputy Mosby is most likely entitled to the payment for accrued leave. Sadly, a 17 year career has ended, the community has loss funding for special patrols, a family has been harmed by a good man who made some mistakes. There is no joy here!

        • I think losing a 17 year career and loosing his full pension benefits is pretty strong punishment. Among benefits he lost is health insurance for life.

      • Hmmmm… Seems to me fraud has been committed. Falsifying time cards is a form of theft. The offense is exacerbated by the fact the stolen money was Federal money.

        Seems to me the Dept could have a case here for denying further payouts if they chose to pursue it.

        • The funny thing about this Brad is that you’re probably saying to yourself right now “See Eric Williams was too focused on taking away everyone’s guns that he lost track of his staff. I’m so glad I stopped him.”

          I wish you could be prosecuted for stealing all of my time when I was getting my hopes up about you starting a Winnecke petition. That hoax was worse than balloon boy.

  3. C-CO: stay the course and acquire the documents you have demanded. Follow wherever they lead.

    Readers: Our “TRUE WATCHDOG” is in a fight. Keep in mind the courage and determination that C-CO is showing here.
    Please don’t make their mission any harder than it has to be by posting personal attacks, unfounded accusations or just plain gossip.
    There are legal and moral factors to consider.
    Go get’em C-CO!
    Thanks! …

  4. They won’t give them to you saying:
    1. It’s a personnel issue and exempt from FOIA
    2. It’s still under investigation and we can’t release information from an active case.

  5. I still think of you as the only fair representation of information in the ‘burg-I defer to your judgement, Dear Editor-thank you for your efforts. In the future, I will try to curb my remarks. These days it is just too much for innocent minds. I find it difficult to remark carefully when I am incensed–I will try.

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