City Council Invites Vectren CEO to Make Good on his Offer to Speak Before Civic Groups


The Evansville City Council is taking Carl Chapman, the CEO of Vectren up on his recent offer to speak before civic groups of over 10 people. The Evansville City Council plus the City Clerk is exactly 10 people and the crowd that will surely attend will number over 100. This is an appropriate forum for Mr. Chapman to address the Vectren pricing issues.

Here is a link to the letter from the City Council.



  1. Chapman has always struck me as a good person and a straight shooter. I would like to see him take the City Council up on this offer.

    For the free-market people out there, never forget that Vectren is a essentially a state-protected monopoly. They had a different name for this kind of arrangment in the 1930’s and 40’s.

    • What names Vonkayel? Gulag, USSR, co-ops, da people’s power company, or some other communistic label is my guess.

      Vectren is quite communistic when it comes to government protections but quite capitalistic about exploiting is state granted monopoly. Look at all of the unregulated subsidiaries they have. If buying coal from yourself and then using the price charged to establish a fuel charge is not a perfect opportunity for conflict of interest what is.

      Driving the profits out of Vectren and into subsidiary businesses like ESG is a legal and wealth enhancing trick that drives up electric rates. Good for Vectren and their shareholders. Bad for us folks who have no choice of where to buy power.

        • Yes Fascism is the perfect word to describe Vectren.

          The appearance of free markets for the masses reinforced by donations and advertising (propaganda) yet the strong arm of state control as the reality.

          Mussolini would be proud.

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