Alleged Witholding and Revising of Material Information Prompts City Council Attorney Request for McGladrie Study from City Attorney


The following letter is posted by the CCO without edit, bias, or opinion

Dear Ted;

Please be advised that I have had several Council members express concern about the current status of the I.T. assessment being conducted by McGladries.

Specifically, it has been explained to me that the original completition date was to have been in March or April 2013 and that the completion date has now been moved to August. They would like to know whether this is correct and, if so, why.

Secondly, they have been informed by a source within the administration that McGladries has already provided the administration with a preliminary report (either in writing or verbally) and that the report was rebuffed by the administration and that McGladries was instructed to make revisions to said report. The Council members would like to know whether this is, in fact, correct and, if so, would like a full explanation of such.

Lastly, they would like a current general status report of the I.T. assessment by McGladries .

The Council members are requesting that McGladries respond to the above stated concerns, in writing, directly to the Council via my office.

I appreciated your cooperation in this matter and apologize for any inconvenience that it may cause.

Scott A. Danks, Attorney at Law
for the
Common Council of the City of Evansville


  1. Looks like we have another new “gate” beginning to happen at City Hall.

    The name of this new name for this gate is called “McGladries report revisions gate”.

    If the McGladries people allowed the Mayor to force them to make changes on this extremely important financial report the taxpayers of this community should file a class action law suit againt them.

    If these revisions happened without City Council knowledge,this is a serious breach of the public trust and the public should demand the Mayor, his Chief of Staff and legal councel to resign.

  2. And we thought this administration was going to be transparent!!! Wonder what is so provocative that stonewalling is necessary…oh, let’s shelve this until after the 2014 budget process????

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