Citizens for Unification Report of Receipts and Expenditures


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  1. We all knew where the push was coming from, and now we have confirmation.

    8-14-12…………$40.K Southwest Indiana Chamber of Commerce

    9-17-12…………$40.K Southwest Indiana Chamber of Commerce

    9-24-12…………$50.K Southwest Indiana Chamber of Commerce

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The Extend Group

    401 SE 6th Street

    Evansville, IN

    Seems to have made most of the media buys: $161,000.00. I have no idea who these people are, do you?

    VOTE NO!!!


    • Since South Central Communications Corporation gave $5,000.00 to the effort I wonder how much of the media buys went their way?


  2. So let’s see-for the YES campaign 16 local people gave $20,350 vs the ANTI-consolidation which had HUNDREDS of local people give $100 or less.
    YES-had 11 businesses pay $87,200 including a Tow your vehicle business?
    Yes-had 5 political action groups pay $43,000, including
    Indy -$10,000 and 2 politicians paying $12,500.
    Yes spent $28,000 in surveys to see how to change up their sales/marketing message to make “unification” more tolerable to voters. (And this is even after getting law-enforcement pulled out of the plan originally to make it easier to sell)

    So at the first reporting deadline YES has gathered over $300,000, from a handful of special interests.

    On the other hand the ANTI-consolidation/reorganization/unification received financial support selling yard signs,tee-shirts and one chicken dinner and BBQ meal at a time, hundreds of times, to bring their message to the community- totally around $100,000 in support and in those dollars received a few blocks of financial support from the local affiliated group-the Farm Bureau. They had no paid employees, no $2000 a month offices, didn’t have to wine and dine their supporters to sell them on unification, and no expensive out of town specialists/consultants/survey companies.

    What they did have was thousands of hours of dedicated volunteers, paying for their own gas, phone bills, copying costs, donating meeting room space, and investing hundreds of hours educating the public. All the while cheering on their community to protect its ability to chart its own future, make things better their own way, and do it together, Republican/Democrat/libertarian/Tea Party, labor/farmer/business/homemaker/young old/renter/homeowner/rich poor/retired and those just starting out–all together and optimistic about the future of their community.

    Funding for both sides clearly shows the underpinnings of why the plan should not receive our communities vote. Special interests throwing huge amounts of money to influence the vote, vs hundreds of individuals trying to protect their community against the undue influence of deep pockets.

  3. OOPS-Forgot to mention the many, many thousands of dollars invested by the CourierPress to push this agenda forward. It’s several thousands of dollars every time a pro article is published.

    Let’s see-An pro-unification editorial once or twice a week, a undisguised pro Langhorne article once or twice a week, special commentaries every two weeks at least. GEE, I can’t even guess how much all those inches of PRO-speak is worth. Especially since the pro-articles seem to appear above the fold on the front page, and the anti-reorganization articles usually have a misleading title tacked on at the headquarters in Ohio.
    Geez, I love newspapers, and used to like what was left of ours. Not so much anymore…

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