Child Support Conference Celebrates Training, Daily Dedication


Nearly 600 Indiana child support workers and county prosecutors convened in French Lick for three days of training; they honored their peers for superior service to constituents; and potentially saved lives with an American Red Cross blood drive. The annual event is sponsored by the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council with support of the Indiana Child Support Bureau.

 Olga Glossett, child support office manager for the Elkhart County Prosecutor’s Office, received the highest honor for a child support worker, the Beatrice Deuel Award. Named in honor of longtime St. Joseph County child support worker Beatrice Deuel, the award is presented to a retiring professional whose work exemplifies dedication and commitment to service.

Ms. Glossett spent nearly 10 years with the Van Wert County, Ohio, child support office before her employment with the Elkhart County child support office in 2004. With nearly 25 years of child support commitment, she demonstrated daily her knowledge and passion to serve the program participants in a professional manner.

Seven current child support workers received the K.I.D. (Kudos for Inspiration and Dedication) Award:

  • Marion County Child Support Computer Specialist Kevin Abshire was honored for his performance of every assignment with excellence. During a recent office renovation, he assisted with furniture and computer moves while maintaining his daily job performance.
  • Bartholomew County Caseworker Jamie Langley was nominated because she is “always conscientious” and is “accessible, straight-forward and clear when working cases.”
  • Jefferson County Caseworker Jeanna G. Jackson was honored because “she works her cases with zeal and gusto…the 500 or 600 cases she has get dedication and attention.”
  • St. Joseph County Enforcement Caseworker and Team Leader Tara Towner has “developed a broad understanding of all things child support…her attention to detail and diligent case tracking has resulted in successful enforcement of her cases.”
  • Vigo County Enforcement Caseworker Debbie Conn was nominated because “she has a way of making parents give her any information that she needs” and in 15 years, has never been the subject of a complaint.
  • Monroe County Caseworker Hattie Green has filled multiple roles in the child support office; she has good rapport with both custodial and noncustodial parents, “treating everyone with respect and professionalism”.  
  • Kosciusko County Modification Team Lead Vickey Brooks provides “guidance and leadership to team members, both new to child support and experienced.”

An additional 103 child support workers from 27 counties, as well as the Indiana Child Support Bureau, were recognized for years of service to their offices, including Madeline Baker of Marion County for 35 years of service and Cheryl Barney and Debbie Brame, both of the Child Support Bureau, for 40 years of service.

Child support prosecutors and staff members demonstrated generosity by surpassing expectations for a Red Cross blood drive, donating 49 units of blood with the potential to save 147 lives.

CUTLINE: Retiring Child Support Office Manager Olga Glossett (center) of Elkhart County received the Beatrice Deuel Award during the annual Child Support Conference in French Lick. With her are Pam Benedix and Bruce Wells. (Pictures of other award recipients are available upon request.)