CHANNEL 44 NEWS: Evansville Thunderbolts Sale Clears Another Hurdle


Evansville Thunderbolts Sale Clears Another Hurdle

The sale of the Evansville Thunderbolts clears another Hurdle. At the Redevelopment Commission meeting, commissioners approved the license agreement with the Ford Center to be transferred over to Venue Works. This is for the remaining four years, of…


    • No, but you certainly are along with every resident of this city.
      We have had money funneling back into the Venuworks to prop up the big losses for the hockey team.
      This is on top of the ERC giving them 225,000 dollars to pay for the franchise license.
      I would guess this license transfer is happening very quickly in response to the backroom deal, made by the Mayor & Venueworks, being exposed by the City-County Observer. Great investigative reporting.

      • I notice none of the other media has picked up the story. I guess that threat of being “put on the mayor’s media blacklist” is still holding strong. You would think after the Tweetstorm last year from the Courier staff, one of them would show some interest. The IceMen were the only thing those idiots from the C&P could pay attention to for about 3 months.

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