CHANNEL 44 NEWS: Indiana Lawmaker Has “Deep Philosophical Concerns” About Abortion Bill


Indiana Lawmaker Has “Deep Philosophical Concerns” About Abortion Bill

A key Indiana house panel will not consider a contentious attempt to ban abortions. That means the measure will likely not see the light of day for the rest of this season. Republican Representative Ben Smaltz is the Chairman of the House…


  1. Hmmm. “Deep Philosophical Concerns” in caps and quotes in the article, the editorializing “contentious attempt” not so much. Today’s “faux news reporting” on display.

  2. Roe v Wade itself is a contentious attempt to fashion law based on a constitutional right that does not exist, but “emanates from a penumbra” of one of the articles. It doesn’t. Nowhere in the constitution is any provision that can be interpreted as permitting abortion. They made it up, just as they made up the right of the government to force it’s citizens to purchase a product (Obamacare).

    • The liberals don’t get it. If SCOTUS can pull something out of thin air that they like, a different SCOTUS can pull something out they fear. That’s why a strict originalist is important to both sides. If what the federal government has taken from the States thru weak representation allowance, and, as it says in the Constitution, control is given to the States, they can set up whatever Hell-on-Earth they want in California, Illinois, and New York. They can do anything not restricted by the Constitution that they vote to do. But, they have to do it on their own dime and that’s what they fear.

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